Archivi tag: poems
charles bernstein, davide balula, “poetry has no future unless it comes to an end: poems of artificial intelligence” (nero editions, 2023)
For a preview of poems and readings by Charles Bernstein’s synthesized voice, visit:
This book received additional support from
Also remember, from Charles Bernstein, Echo / Eco (il verri, 2022)
More about Charles Bernstein in slowforward:
an interview to ca conrad
a very interesting interview to poet CA Conrad here:
an excerpt here:

how to read poetry correctly / differx. 2022
from “barcode poetry” / kyle flemmer. 2021
david-baptiste chirot – in memoriam
After a five month stay in hospital, well-known international artist and poet, David-Baptiste Chirot (birth name, David Harris) began, in the late 1980’s, a new phase in his artistic journey at River View apartments in Milwaukee Wisconsin with artworks, films, writing, only to have it interrupted in early June 2021 by his untimely death. Friends and fellow artists/writers helped piece together this in-memoriam from notebooks, files, loose pages and artworks, salvaged from his apartment, and with works inspired by his art, writings, and their memories of father, brother, friend, artist, writer, poet & visual poet, David-Baptiste Chirot (b.1953 – d.2021).
Eds: Tom Hibbard, John M. Bennett, Catherine Mehrl Bennett
how to inflate your washing machine with a mainstream poem / differx. 2021
a series of new cut-up collage poems / jim leftwich. 2021
mark young’s new selected poetry book
Songs to Come for the Salamander; Selected Poems 2013-2021: selected & introduced by Thomas Fink has just been co-published by Sandy Press & Meritage Press.
Mark Young
Songs to Come for the Salamander; Selected Poems 2013-2021:
selected & introduced by Thomas Fink
Sandy Press & Meritage Press, 2021
396 pages
ISBN: 978-1-7368160-4-2
Available through Amazon
Chosen by Thomas Fink from the 29 books of text poetry by Mark Young published since 2013, Songs to Come for the Salamander is a companion piece to the 2008 Pelican Dreaming, also selected & edited by Thomas Fink, & the 600-page 2013 The Codicils, which Young describes as nine books in one. It again highlights the variety, sly humor, & concern for social & political issues that the author is internationally known for. Many of his regular tropes — “A line from . . .,” “Today the Postwo/man,” & geographies are included, but they are only a small part of this delightful sampling from the 2500 or so poems from Young that have appeared in the nine years this selection covers.
“Some readers might assume that particular, highly pessimistic generalizations in Young’s poems are actually Mark Young presenting his sense of doom. The little ditty “democracy” registers the claim that “no-one// knows the/ words to” the “song” (the concept of democracy) even though “every-/ one sings” it, and “since violence is learned” tells us that “tolerance is no/ longer available, is replaced by trauma.” Although nothing in the poems—not even such affirmations of aesthetic transport as “Constant Craving,” which speaks of music “that acts as/ axis to steady everything around”—makes one identify the poet as a bright-eyed optimist, various moments in the work display too much respect for the complexity of cause and effect, limitations of human perception, the transience of trends, and sudden appearances of the unexpected to place sustained credence in large generalizations and foregone conclusions.”
— from the Introduction by Thomas Fink.
Recent books by Mark Young from Sandy Press:
The Sasquatch Walks Among Us
three collage-poems / jim leftwich. 2021
carlo bordini, “gestures” / “i gesti”
BILINGUAL EDITION @ Logosfere series (Zona/Quintadicopertina)
of an athology of poems by one of the most important experimental poets in Italy: Carlo Bordini