Archivi tag: Rachel Blau DuPlessis

oct. 4, ksw: rachel blau duplessis


Rachel Blau DuPlessis

Thursday October 4, 8:00 pm

The People’s Co-op Books

1391 Commercial Drive

In the world as such
DNA dumplings
(with thin skin wrapped around them)
recklessly (unwittingly? uncannily?)
because of randomized events
in a politics of explosion.
How then?
Shaking with the instability
of calculations,
more in anger than in fear
one “shows one’s work.”
This is written entirely on off-cuts.
an internal translation of itself
marking shards with mackle.
It’s true the work must be redone.
This time scribbling mirror-wise,
an addition problem

with uncountable vectors.

from “Draft 111: Arte Povera”

Poet-critic Rachel Blau DuPlessis is known as a feminist critic and scholar with a special interest in modern and contemporary poetry, and as a poet and essayist. Blue Studios: Poetry and Its Cultural Work, a book of essays, was published by University of Alabama Press in 2006; in the same year, Alabama reprinted DuPlessis’s classic work The Pink Guitar: Writing as Feminist Practice. Another recent critical book by DuPlessis is Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908-1934 (Cambridge University Press, 2001). Her books of poetry are Drafts 1-38Toll (Wesleyan University Press, 2001) and DRAFTSDrafts 39-57Pledge with Draft, Unnumbered: Précis (Salt Publishing, 2004). A poem from this book appears in Best American Poetry 2004. Torques: Drafts 58-76 appeared from Salt Publishing in October 2007 and Pitch: Drafts 77-95 is in press with Salt Publishing.

The Kootenay School of Writing

the fall convergence on poetics


Roma, 17-18 maggio 2012, Piazza Campitelli 3
Sala Capizucchi, Centro di Studi italo-francesi



convegno internazionale di studi
a cura di Cristina Giorcelli e Luigi Magno

Il convegno (con letture) che si terrà questa settimana a Roma, in piazza Campitelli, giovedì e venerdì, a cura dell’Università Roma Tre, è tra la primissime occasioni in Italia per ragionare non solo di nuove scritture, ma anche di rapporti tra scrittura di ricerca italiana e aree anglofona e francofona affini.


Il programma dettagliato delle relazioni e dei reading è all’indirizzo

Gli incontri si avvarranno di materiali in lingua originale e in traduzione



Benoît Auclerc (Université Jean Moulin – Lyon III), Cecilia Bello Minciacchi (Sapienza – Università degli Studi), Annalisa Bertoni (École Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Nîmes), Rachel Blau DuPlessis (Temple University), Geneviève Cohen-Cheminet (Paris IV – Sorbonne), Alessandro De Francesco (poeta, scrittore / poet, writer / poète, écrivain), Cristina Giorcelli (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Marco Giovenale (poeta, scrittore, traduttore / poet, writer, translator / poète, écrivain, traducteur), Jean-Marie Gleize (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon), Antonio Loreto (critico letterario / literary critic / critique littéraire), Luigi Magno (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Massimiliano Manganelli (critico letterario / literary critic / critique littéraire), Giulio Marzaioli (poeta, scrittore / poet, writer / poète, écrivain), Bob Perelman (University of Pennsylvania), Jean-Jacques Poucel (Internationales Kolleg Morphomata / Universität zu Köln), Maria Anita Stefanelli (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Noura Wedell (University of Southern California), Michele Zaffarano (poeta, scrittore, traduttore / poet, writer, translator / poète, écrivain, traducteur).


“Velocity”, by Rachel Blau DuPlessis

Textile Series #7: Draft 96: Velocity by Rachel Blau DuPlessis
Little Red Leaves couldn’t be more pleased to release this fantastic poem by Rachel Blau DuPlessis. Draft 96: Velocity spans twenty-one gorgeous pages with “pulses uneven pushes/” that circulate through the text. Sewn with (in) textile remnants and recycled window curtains, this 7th (!) textile series chapbook is not to be missed! Buy it now from Paypal!

What’s next?
Currently in production, a new chapbooks by Mac Wellman, Tod Melicker, and Jen Hofer! We will also be announcing our 2012 lineup in early December.

About the Textile Series 
A project of little red leaves, the textile series takes the hand out of “hand-sewn chapbooks.” It’s real work in the age of mechanical reproduction. It’s the little sewing machine that could. It’s ironed and folded and sewn and pulled and the threads stick out. All textile series chapbooks are 5.5″ by 4.25″ with fabric covers scavenged from old curtains, bedsheets and other textile remnants. We  consider it a micro-revolution. A call to action against staples, tape and glue. Coming at you em-dashed, a little wrinkled, and needlessly obscure.