Archivi tag: New York University

un articolo del 2022 su “the reappearing pheasant”, il convegno/reading svoltosi a novembre a new york

articolo di Luciana Capretti:

in video: Francesco Muzzioli; al tavolo, da sinistra a destra: Fabrizio Bondi, Marco Giovenale, Daniele Poletti; foto di Terry W. Sanders


the complete videos of “the re-appearing pheasant”: an encounter of american and italian poets and critics, new york, 11-12-13 nov 2022

The Re-Appearing Pheasant
An Encounter of American and Italian Poets and Critics
New York, November 11-12-13, 2022

Convened by
Luigi Ballerini

Presented by
Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University
Stefano Albertini, Director

In Cooperation with
The Italian Cultural Institute of New York
Fabio Finotti, Director

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