Archivi tag: Valentina Valentini

gianluca rizzo: “poetry on stage”

Sandro Ricaldone

The Theatre of the Italian Neo-Avant-Garde
University of Toronto Press, 2020

Poetry on Stage focuses on exchanges between the writers of the Italian neo-avant-garde with the actors, directors, and playwrights of the Nuovo Teatro. The book sheds light on a forgotten chapter of twentieth-century Italian literature, arguing that the theatre was the ideal incubator for stylistic and linguistic experiments and a means through which authors could establish direct contact with their audience and verify the solutions they were devising to the practical and theoretical problems raised by their stances in politics and poetics. A robust textual analysis of a number of exemplary texts grounds these issues in the plays and poems produced at the time, and connects them with the experimentations subsequently carried out by some of the same artists.

In-depth interviews with four of the most influential figures in the field – critic Valentina Valentini, actor and director Pippo Di Marca, author Giuliano Scabia, and the late poet Nanni Balestrini – conclude the volume, providing an invaluable first-hand testimony that brings back to life the people and controversies discussed.

ricordo di nanni balestrini: letture, testimonianze, materiali: a roma oggi, 19 giugno, al teatro argentina

Roma, Teatro Argentina
OGGI, mercoledì 19 giugno 2019

Dalle 17 alle 23, fra Sala Squarzina e Sala Grande, una kermesse

a cura di alfabeta2: conversazioni letture proiezioni performance e musiche

per Nanni Balestrini
«artista totale della parola» (1935-2019)

illustreranno la sua figura tra editoria e comunicazione, politica e società,

immagini e video, poesia e narrativa, musica e teatro.Sala

Intervengono fra gli altri, in ordine di apparizione (più o meno!):

Paolo Fabbri, Gino Di Maggio, Romano Luperini, Renato Parascandolo, Vittorio Pellegrineschi, Renato Barilli e Silvia Ballestra; Franco Berardi “Bifo”, Paolo Virno e Francesco Raparelli; Valentina Valentini, Michele Emmer, Paolo Bertetto, Gianfranco Baruchello, Carla Subrizi, Achille Bonito Oliva, Patrizio Peterlini e Manuela Gandini; Roberto D’Agostino; Alberto Capatti; Flavia Mastrella e Antonio Rezza; Fausto Curi e Niva Lorenzini; Rachel Kushner; Giovanni Fontana, Cecilia Bello Minciacchi, Marco Giovenale e Michele Zaffarano; Silvia Tripodi; Tommaso Ottonieri, Marco Palladini ed Emanuele Trevi; Gilda Policastro e Cetta Petrollo Pagliarani; Florinda Fusco e Franca Rovigatti; Maria Grazia Calandrone, Laura Cingolani, Fiammetta Cirilli, Elisa Davoglio, Fabio La Piana, Massimiliano Manganelli, Vincenzo Ostuni, Lidia Riviello e Sara Ventroni; Mario Gamba, Alvin Curran, Iaia Forte, Fabrizio Parenti con Josafat Vagni, Ilaria Drago con Luigi Cinque e Gianluca Ruggeri; Peppe Servillo

Maria Teresa Carbone e Andrea Cortellessa