Archivio mensile:Giugno 2022

su ‘critica integrale’, un contributo di francesco muzzioli a “esiste la ricerca?”

l’intervento intero si può leggere qui:

as ex. asemic expressionism, or abstract expressionist writing / jim leftwich. 2022

Once upon a time, long long ago (20 years), in a far far away place (Charlottesville, VA), I claimed to have identified a category of visual poetry called (perhaps only by me) Decorative Expressionism. It was busy, crowded, colorful and noisy. I liked it a lot — for several reasons, one of them being the fact that I was making quite a bit of it myself.

If anyone had asked me at the time (no one has ever asked me), I would have told them that Decorative Expressionism was the exact opposite of asemic writing.

Ah yes, time goes by and with a little “luck of the research and reading” (recollected and ruminated upon in tranquility) maybe we learn a thing or two. How does that old hit single go?
What I didn’t know then
What I don’t know now
.. some other stuff in there, I know… 45 years ago… anyway

I would have been wrong.

That was back in the early days of this current iteration of asemic writing, when some of us still thought the prefix ‘a-‘ meant “without; not having any.” Little did we know that the prefix ‘a-‘ was soon to take on the meaning of its opposite, “poly-“. “Without, not having any” semes came to mean “having many” semes. “Absolutely thwarting the production of meaning” became “open to the invention of all imaginable meanings.”

It was a transformative moment in the history of all things asemic.

When Jackson Pollock woke up in the morning, he already had a lit cigarette balanced on his lower lip. He visited his Jungian therapist every Tuesday at 2pm. They played chess, drank beer, went to Yankees games, and chased the stately, plump pigeons through Central Park.
You’re getting better, Jack, said the Jungian therapist. Getting better all the time.
Thank you, said Jackson Pollock.
Alchemy of the vowels, Tantric Sex Mandala, said the Jungian therapist.
I don’t believe in The Accident, said Jackson Pollock.
He walked down the crowded sidewalk past The Tavern to his studio.
He lit a cigarette, opened a beer, took off his shoes and socks.
He spent the rest of the evening working, late into the night, doing The Dance of the Collective Unconscious, In The Painting.

That’s pretty much how asemic writing is still made today.

So, the next time someone tells you myriad hymnal nightpoets, hurrier, nebula nebula, tell them you know all about asemic expressionism. Maybe they’re living in a book by Donald Barthelme. What do you know? Empathy is all about effort. Let there be no bullshit between Practitioners of The Craft and Sullen Art.

polyasemic thinking: a brief future / jim leftwich. 2022

One thing I particularly reinsinuate about the idea of asemic writing is its persistence. Once the idea gets inside a brain, it refuses to go away. It mutates and proliferates.

Once the asemic cat got out of the bag, it set off on a mission to conquer the world.

There is a kind of pareidolia prevalent among practitioners and theorists of asemic writing; we may not see the face of Jesus in a greasy frying pan, but we do see quasi-alphabetical shapes just about everywhere. It is hard not to be joyfully reinsinuated in the presence of such a life-affirming mutagenesis of ubiquitous formlessness.

No matter whether we experience it as pre-word or post-word (I could make a case for either, or both), once the virus of asemic writing invades and occupies the brain, it imposes the shape of its cultural desire on everything in its path.

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annotazione in occasione della presentazione di “deleuze, o dell’essere chiunque chiunque”, di vincenzo ostuni (2020)

Vincenzo Ostuni è — non solo per mia convinzione ma anche per studio e dimostrazione testuale da parte di più critici letterari, in particolare di Luigi Severi — forse l’unico autore contemporaneo che (in tempi post-novecenteschi e per certi aspetti post-poetici) riesce a tenere insieme le modalità della ricerca testuale più stretta, un forte letteralismo, un processo lessicalmente tellurico di interrogazione filosofica costante, e un progetto che lega tutto ciò offrendone i risultati sotto forma di vera e propria opera mondo. (E opera aperta, per le ragioni che si vedranno).

È infatti almeno a partire dall’uscita in volume di un primo segmento del suo progetto / macrotesto, il Faldone, ossia dal 2004, che appare evidente come Ostuni a questo lavori interminabilmente riprendendolo, variandolo, accrescendolo, disturbandone i confini e gli intrecci, sia ad intra che  — proiettato in segmenti futuri — ad extra.
Se è vero che un ventaglio di argomenti ritornanti nel Faldone, per evidenza di contenuti, è da riassumere con termini quali incompiutezza dell’esperienza, incompletezza del linguaggio, e cumulo di nostre incertezze percettive, va poi súbito aggiunto che questo denso e centripeto nucleo tematico diventa anzi è di fondo, per statuto formale, il vortice centrifugo che di libro in libro, di aggiornamento in aggiornamento, sgretola la stessa compibilità dell’opera (determinandone l’apertura), insieme inchiodandola all’esperienza oggettiva (dunque estendendone non senza vertigine i confini al “mondo” stesso, tutto).



presentazione di “deleuze, o dell’essere chiunque chiunque”, di vincenzo ostuni

Presentazione alle Industrie fluviali, 30 luglio 2020. Con Luigi Severi, Michele Zaffarano e l’autore.

Il libro (Tic Edizioni):

‘nioques’, n. #26

Présentation éditoriale  : La revue Nioques fut créée, en 1990, en une période et un contexte où l’ambiance était à la réaction, à la régression formelle, à la « restauration » de la poésie dans ses limites identitaires, rappelée à sa vocation « lyrique ». Il s’agissait alors, disions-nous, de multiplier les marges vives. Pour ne pas laisser croire que le temps de l’expérimentation et de la recherche était clos. Pour contribuer à l’invention de la littérature, à sa réanimation critique, à toutes les « sorties » possibles hors des cadres et des définitions.

Aujourd’hui, Nioques a toutes les raisons de ne pas abandonner le champ de bataille. Il s’agit toujours de donner (un) lieu à de l’écriture naissante, d’accueillir le plus audacieux et le plus risqué des tentatives en cours, premiers textes, chantiers incertains, brouillons acharnés, pratiques hétérogènes, impures.

« Impures », donc politiques… Comme l’est aussi notre travail ensemble : « Le problème est bien l’action commune d’individus libres, liés seulement par et pour cette liberté créatrice réelle ».