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asemic.net (Tim Gaze): http://asemic.net/
notes by Jim Leftwich: https://slowforward.net/2016/03/13/jim-leftwich-asemic-writing-definitions-and-contexts-1998-2016/
& https://archive.org/details/AsemicWritingDefinitionsAndContexts19982016/
ongoing notes… by Jim Leftwich: https://scriptjr.nl/ongoing-notes-on-asemic-writing-jim-leftwich-2015/3336#.Ym5yZ2hBzIU
& https://slowforward.net/2015/07/03/ongoing-research-in-and-around-asemic-writing/
wiki (.en): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asemic_writing
wiki (.it): https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrittura_asemica
Telegram: t.me/asemic
GoogleGroup: https://groups.google.com/g/asemic
The New Postliterate: http://thenewpostliterate.blogspot.com/
Post-Asemic Press: http://postasemicpress.blogspot.com/
A list of asemic books (by M. Jacobson): https://slowforward.net/2018/08/22/lots-of-asemic-books-are-actually-available/
Codex Seraphinianus
Asemics Magazine: http://asemics.com/
ExtrAsemics: https://slowforward.net/2022/01/30/accesso-temporaneo-alla-cartella-extrasemics/
Líquido como el tiempo: http://liquidocomoeltiempo.blogspot.com/search/label/ESCRITURA%20AS%C3%89MICA
Extreme Writing Community: http://seks-ua.blogspot.com/
Synapse International: https://synaptry.blogspot.com/
Asemic Writing for mail artists: https://iuoma-network.ning.com/group/asemicwritingformailartists
asemicnet: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/
aemicnet / links: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/links.html
asemicnet / mags, groups: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/mags-groups.html
asemicnet / publishing houses, e-books, books: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/publishing-houses-e-books-books.html
asemicnet / interviews: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/interviews.html
asemicnet / entries, posts, vids etc.: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/entries-posts-vids.html
asemicnet / facebook: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/facebook.html
asemicnet / @flickr: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/flickr.html
asemicnet / exhibits and galleries: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/exhibits-and-galleries.html Continua a leggere
Sibille asemantiche (La camera verde)
la strada non è libera [opera unica]
[folded asemic writing]
[asemic writings]
la data corretta è 2009, non 2008 come indicato sul sito
origine dei materiali (Atto senza attori, con Pietro D’Agostino):
This Is Visual Poetry, cur. Dan Waber, n. 71
Asemic Sibyls (Red Fox Press, collection C’est Mon Dada)
elenco con altri materiali non asemici (testi lineari in italiano e/o inglese):
altri materiali asemici, anche di altri autori:
Asemic Sound Cycles at Galeri Salihara
April 10, 2022 – April 24, 2022
Asemic Sound Cycles (2022), by Félix-Antoine Morin, is an exhibition specially developed for the Salihara Arts Center (Jakarta, Indonesia). This exhibition consists of a series of graphic scores on polyester film as well as a sound installation in the center of the exhibition space.
Asemic Sound Cycles consists of a series of graphic scores on polyester film as well as a sound installation in the center of the Salihara Gallery.
Félix-Antoine Morin’s graphic scores represent existing musical forms whose basic structures are drawn from his repertoire of compositions. By this process, Morin maps out the metamorphosis of sound phenomena through a rhythmic and poetic graphic expression. He encourages the ambiguity between musical notation and pure pictorial symbolism.
The kinetic sound installation arranged in the center of the space is inspired by the “locked groove” technique, an expression invented by Pierre Schaeffer in the mid 20th century to describe this phenomenon in which the needle of a record player falls indefinitely in the same record groove. In the same way, this sound installation follows a unique circular route. This consists of a microphone that reacts like the needle of a record player on materials and textures arranged throughout the floor.
Asemic Sound Cycles is an exhibition specially developed for the Salihara Arts Center.
Félix-Antoine Morin’s graphic scores represent existing musical forms whose basic structures are drawn from his repertoire of compositions. Through a syncopated visual construction, by which he instinctively creates new connections between signs, he shifts the initial writing toward material abstraction. Preserving traces of the sound origin, the accumulation of elements gradually transforms each composition into an autonomous language that no longer references music.
By this process, Morin maps out the … [click to read more]
First solo exhibition of Félix-Antoin Morin in Turkey: Asemic Sound Mappings (Feb 19th – Mar 12th, 2022):
[…] The graphic language of the artist does not tend to have a fixed meaning, leaving the interpretation of the works free to the viewer, encouraging the ambiguity between musical notation and pure pictorial poetry. The artworks at the “Asemic Sound Mappings” exhibition display layered elements moving in the void, carrying rhythm to the surface by simultaneously expressing Morin’s musical and pictorial sensibilities […]
(from http://www.karsi.com/asemic-sound-mappings-f-lix-antoine-morin)
ZONE C is a new visual book from artist Rosaire Appel. “The combination of drawings and asemic writing describe a location that alludes to the physical world as much as to realms of thought and emotion. If you know A and B, will you know C? The book contains a lot of noise, second thoughts and revisions. It’s the opposite of calm”.
Available Printed Matter and Amazon
Nuova copertina / new cover
Si tratta di essere e di continuare a stare nella parte sbagliata: di essere nel retro, come non si è stancato di ripetere Corrado Costa: il retro della poesia, il retro del discorso, e continuare a sbagliare, a essere (« testoni e cocciuti ») nella parte sbagliata (il retro tace, non dice niente del discorso, è il retro).
It is about being on the wrong side, and staying there. It is about being on the B – side, as Corrado Costa loved to say: the B – side of poetry, the B – side of the discourse, and persisting in the error, « stubborn and pigheaded », always where you shouldn’t be (the flip side is silent, it adds nothing to the conversation, it’s the flip side).
181 scritture, disegni, grafie, materiali asemici di Marco Giovenale fuori testo, a colori e in b/n.
Con introduzione e intervista (in italiano e inglese) all’autore a cura di Giuseppe Garrera. Traduzione di Johanna Bishop.
181 texts, drawings, glyphs, asemic works by Marco Giovenale, col. and b/w. Preface and interview: Giuseppe Garrera. Text: Italian and English (English translation: Johanna Bishop).
Esaurita la prima tiratura, è disponibile la
ristampa dell’Enciclopedia asemica / Asemic Encyclopaedia
(IkonaLíber, 2022)
n.b.: restano solo due copie disponibili della prima edizione. (a prezzo minore rispetto alla nuova). chi desiderasse acquistarle può scrivere all’editore: http://www.ikona.net/contatti/
In occasione di questo evento, ho chiesto a parecchi artisti di inviare materiali. Alcuni di loro hanno spedito opere ora inserite in questa cartella. Date uno sguardo.
Presto sarà preparato un pdf con una selezione. Per ora è comunque possibile apprezzare l’intera serie di immagini. Non sarà sempre in rete.
On the occasion of this event, I asked for contributions to several artists. Some of them sent works now stored in this folder. Take a look.
Soon a pdf with a selection will be made. As for now, enjoy the whole set of images. It won’t be on line forever.
artisti / artists:
Andrea Astolfi, Levente Bakos, John M. Bennett, May Bery, Francesca Biasetton, Silvia Bordini, Angelo Calandro, Axel Calatayud, Cecelia Chapman, Jeff Crouch+Cecelia Chapman, Pietro D’Agostino+Marco Giovenale, Adelin Donnay, Federico Federici, Steven J. Fowler, Luis Gonzalez Boix, Mariangela Guatteri, Michael Jacobson, Edward Kulemin, Jim Leftwich, Diana Magallon, John McConnochie, Keith McKay, Miriam Midley, Claudio Molina, Michelle Moloney King, Laura Ortiz, Franco Panella, Enzo Patti, Antonio Francesco Perozzi, Mariella Ramondo, Tommasina Bianca Squadrito, Lina Stern, Miron Tee, Cecil Touchon, Paulino Valdelomar.
(C) I file nei folder extrAsemics sono di proprietà esclusiva degli autori. Ne è concessa solo la visione personale. Copie, appropriazione, riuso, editing non autorizzato ecc. sono proibiti.
(C) The files in the extrAsemics folders are an exclusive property of their authors. Only personal vision permitted. Copies, appropriation, re-use, unauthorised editing etc. are forbidden.
asemic translation:
— the low-res low-fi punk & loose video of the first asemic event ever.
facebook broadcast Jan 8th, 2022, h. 5:30pm, Italy, Rome —
by differx :
(Take note: the actual event was the event, the video is not the event, it’s only a raw trace, a ruin, a remain —sprayed with random lines)
The facebook event was at https://www.facebook.com/events/1088380671780514/
Slowforward announcement was at https://slowforward.net/2022/01/08/%cc%b7%cd%8b%cd%80%cc%90%cc%aa%cc%b4%cc%90%cd%8b%cc%a6%cc%a9%cd%8e%cc%b2%cc%b7%cc%8a%cc%a1%cd%95%cc%98%cc%b6%cd%8c%cc%8a%cc%b6%cd%8c%cc%8a%cc%94%cc%9a%cc%9c%cc%b8%cc%87%cd%9d%cc%a3%cd%93/
punkasemic images & noises by differx
(CC) 2022 differx
sveglia #8: muta imago (sveglia, muta) (!)
about DE NATURA SONORUM & asemics & electronic lit
19 dicembre, ore 17:00
Horti 14, via san Francesco di Sales 14 (ex Teatro degli Artisti)
Incontro con Marco Giovenale – sull’Asemic writing
a seguire:
Incontro con Fabrizio Venerandi – su Suoni che cambiano