Archivi tag: experimental writing

tocall, issue #7


ToCall No.7 – is a no special issue.

Features work by Clau De La Torre, Iris Colomb, Caroline Kha, Julia Nakotte, Gregory Betts, Arnold Frothingbadger McBay, Geof Huth, Giuseppe Calandriello, Marco Giovenale, Robin Tomens, Eric Zboya, SJ Fowler, Shawn McMurtagh, James Knight, Robert R. Thurman and Susann Connolly.

The cover is a hand-carved linocut one-word poem.

Mimeo printed edition of 100 copies,
32 copies with an original printed linocut, numbered and signed.
10€/13€ (incl. postage)

otoliths #54 is now live

Issue fifty-four of Otoliths, the southern winter 2019 issue is now live.

It features Karl Kempton’s discourses 5 & 6, alongside text, visual, & work from Edward Kulemin, Tom Montag, Elaine Woo, DS Maolalaí, Lynn Strongin, Eric Hoffman, Irene Koronas, Doug Bolling, C.R.E. Wells, Owen Bullock, Daniel Y. Harris, Pete Spence, Sanjeev Sethi, Judith Roitman, Steve Dalachinsky, J. D. Nelson, Diane Keys, Rich Murphy, Norman Abjorensen, Kevin Tosca, Kyle Hemmings, John Greiner, Steve Kirby, Jim Leftwich, Pat Nolan, Scott Helmes, Thomas Fink, Heath Brougher, Michael Orr, Olchar Lindsann, Volodymyr Bilyk, Jim Meirose, Caleb Puckett, hiromi suzuki, Reuben Woolley, Mary Kasimor, Mark DeCarteret, Jonel Abellanosa, AG Davis, Dennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo, J. Crouse, Glenn Ingersoll, Daniel de Culla, Richard Kostelanetz, Michael J Leach, John Martone, Sophie Finlay & Matthew Hall, Sheila E. Murphy, John M. Bennett, Erik Fuhrer, Janna Grace, B. T. Joy, Drew B. David, Anne Gorrick, Márton Koppány, Ricky Garni, Thomas M. Cassidy, Rachel Cunniffe, David Baptiste Chirot, Linda M. Walker, Joel Chace, Joseph Buehler, Toby Fitch, Yoko Danno, Hugh Tribbey, Olivier Schopfer, Jeff Miller, Elmedic Kadric, Joseph Salvatore Aversano, M.J. Iuppa, Colin Stewart Jones, Brendan Slater, Natsuko Hirata, Joe Balaz, Hrishikesh Srinivas, Kellyn Elson, Robert Beveridge, Aidan Coleman, Javant Biarujia, Tony Beyer, Keith Higginbotham, Andrew Topel, Joseph Harrington, Clara B. Jones, Nick Nelson, Kristin Garth, Judith Skillman, Andrew Taylor, Jim George, Jeff Harrison, Jeff Bagato, Daniel f. Bradley, Texas Fontanella & Stuart Wheatley, Penelope Weiss, Dave Read, Keith Nunes, Anna Cates, Sacha Archer, Douglas Barbour, John Levy, Marilyn Stablein, M. C. Rush, Cecelia Chapman & Jeff Crouch, gobscure, Tim Wright, Jen Schneider, William Repass, Ian Gibbins, Jill Jones, Marcia Arrieta, Gian Luigi Braggio, Holly Day, Mary Ellen Derwis, Tim Pilgrim, John McCluskey, Les Wicks, R. Keith, Michael Brandonisio, Tom Beckett, Bob Heman, Ella Skilbeck-Porter, John Pursch, Jesse Glass, Kristian Patruno, Martin Stannard, & Demosthenes Agrafiotis.

jukka-pekka kervinen and “coelacanth”, a poetry ezine

issue #1 features

jukka-pekka kervinen: coelacanth (Lazarus taxon)
Mark Young: six poems
Sheila E. Murphy: Ninepins for July
Volodymyr Bilyk: a poem
Clara B. Jones: [[Self-portrait Sonnet*
joel chace: Non-Euclidean Ventures
J.D. Nelson: ten poems



[r] _ cinque link

– intervista su SatisFiction, in tema di scritture di ricerca e del ruolo di spazi web come gammm e slowforward: (SatisFiction ha talvolta problemi tecnici per cui preferisco linkare qui il pdf che ho salvato sul mio sito)

– un articolo del 2013 che elenca e ‘chiosa’
(ironizzando sull’impermeabilità della letteratura italiana a farsene traduttrice e interprete) una miriade di editori, siti, riviste, festival sparsi nel mondo:

– l’articolo forse più esaustivo che ho scritto (nel 2012) sul tema di quello che a mio avviso può essere definito un “cambio di paradigma”: anche in pdf:

– una particolare risposta a una “mappa” della poesia italiana contemporanea:

– volendo approfondire, qui c’è l’indice completo e i link dei 15 interventi sulle scritture contemporanee usciti due anni fa su alfabeta2:

print parts of Otoliths issue #54

The print parts of Otoliths issue fifty-four are now available from The Otoliths Storefront at Lulu. Details are below. There is currently a 15% discount available from Lulu for all books. The promotional code is ONEFIVE.

Part One
332 pages b&w
Direct link:

Part one of Otoliths issue fifty-four contains poems, a questionnaire, an introduction to a book, vispo, short stories, & prose poems by Tom Montag, DS Maolalaí, Lynn Strongin, Doug Bolling, Eric Hoffman, Irene Koronas, C.R.E. Wells, Owen Bullock, Daniel Y. Harris, Pete Spence, Sanjeev Sethi, Judith Roitman, Steve Dalachinsky, J. D. Nelson, Rich Murphy, Norman Abjorensen, Kevin Tosca, John Greiner, Steve Kirby, Jim Leftwich, Pat Nolan, Thomas Fink, Heath Brougher, Michael Orr, Olchar Lindsann, Volodymyr Bilyk, Jim Meirose, Caleb Puckett, Reuben Woolley, Mary Kasimor, Mark DeCarteret, Jonel Abellanosa, Dennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo, J. Crouse, Glenn Ingersoll, Richard Kostelanetz, Michael J Leach, Sophie Finlay & Matthew Hall, Erik Fuhrer, Janna Grace, B. T. Joy, Anne Gorrick, Ricki Garni, John M. Bennett, Linda M. Walker, Joel Chace, Joseph Buehler, Toby Fitch, Yoko Danno, Hugh Tribbey, Jeff Miller, Joseph Salvatore Aversano, Elmedin Kadric, M.J. Iuppa, Natsuko Hirata, Joe Balaz, Hrishikesh Srinivas, Robert Beveridge, Aidan Coleman, Javant Biarujia, Tony Beyer, Keith Higginbotham, Joseph Harrington, Clara B. Jones, Kristin Garth, Andrew Taylor, Jeff Harrison, Daniel f. Bradley, Penelope Weiss, Dave Read, Anna Cates, Sheila E. Murphy & Douglas Barbour, M. C. Rush, Tim Wright, Jen Schneider, William Repass, Ian Gibbins, Jill Jones, Holly Day, Timothy Pilgrim, Les Wicks, Tom Beckett, Bob Heman, John Pursch, Jesse Glass, & Martin Stannard.


Part Two
268 pages, full color
Direct link:

Part two of Otoliths issue fifty-four, the full color part, contains collages, photographs, vispo, assemblages, montages, paintings, & text poems by Edward Kulemin, Elaine Woo, Diane Keys, Kyle Hemmings, Jim Leftwich, Scott Helmes, Volodymyr Bilyk, hiromi suzuki, AG Davis, Daniel de Culla, John Martone, Sheila E. Murphy, John M. Bennett, Drew B. David, Márton Koppány, Thomas M. Cassidy, David Baptiste Chirot, Olivier Schopfer, Colin Stewart Jones, Brendan Slater, Kellyn Elson, Andrew Topel, Nick Nelson, Judith Skillman, Jim George, Jeff Bagato, Texas Fontanella & Stuart Wheatley, Keith Nunes, Sacha Archer, John Levy, Marilyn Stablein, Cecelia Chapman & Jeff Crouch, gobscure, Marcia Arrieta, Gian Luigi Braggio, Mary Ellen Derwis, John McCluskey, R. Keith, Michael Brandonisio, Ella Skilbeck-Porter, Kristian Patruno, & Demosthenes Agrafiotis.


Part Three
68 pages, full color
Direct link:

Part three of Otoliths issue fifty-four is a full color chapbook which contains discourses 5 & 6 by Karl Kempton.