The Archives of Disrepair 47 | 1901 Oct INCORP
The Last Vispo Anthology (1998-2008) is here (since April, 21st):
and also here:
Andrew Abbott, Fernando Aguiar, Sonja Ahlers, Charles Alexander, Reed Altemus, mIEKAL aND, Bruce Andrews, Dirk Rowntree, Jim Andrews, Hartmut Andryczuk, Marcia Arrieta, Dmitry Babenko, Petra Backonja, Gary Barwin, Michael Basinski, Guy R Beining, Derek Beaulieu, Marc Bell, Jason McLean, C Merhl Bennett, John M Bennett, Carla Bertola, Julien Blaine, Jaap Blonk, Christian Bök, Daniel f. Bradley, Nancy Burr, John Byrum, J. M. Calleja, Mike Cannell, David Baptiste Chirot, Peter Ciccariello, Jo Cook, Judith Copithorne, Holly Crawford, Maria Damon, Klaus Peter Dencker, Brian Dettmer, Fabio Doctorovich, Bill DiMichele, Johanna Drucker, Amanda Earl, Shayne Ehman, endwar, K. S. Ernst, Eva O Ettel, Greg Evason, Oded Ezer, Jesse Ferguson, Cesar Figueirdo, Luc Fierens, Peter Frank, Tim Gaze, Angela Genusa, Marco Giovenale, Jesse Glass, Robert Grenier, Bob Grumman, Ladislao Pablo Györi, Sharon Harris, Scott Helmes, Crag Hill, Bill Howe, Geof Huth, Serkan Isin, Gareth Jenkins, Michael Jacobson, Miguel Jimenez, Karl Jirgens, Alexander Jorgensen, Chris Joseph, Despina Kannaourou, Andreas Kahre, Satu Kaikkonen, Karl Kempton, Joseph Keppler, Roberto Keppler, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Anatol Knotek, Márton Koppány, Richard Kostelanetz, Gyorgy Kostritski, Dirk Krecker, Edward Kulemin, Paul Lambert, Jim Leftwich, The Lions, Joel Lipman, Sveta Litvak, Troy Lloyd, damian lopes, Carlos M Luis, Donato Mancini, Chris Mann, Bill Marsh, Kaz Maslanka, Robert Mittenthal, Gustave Morin, Sheila Murphy, Keiichi Nakamura, Stephen Nelson, Marko Niemi, Rea Nikonova, Juergen O. Olbrich, Christopher Olson, David Ostrem, mARK oWEns, Clemente Padin, Michael Peters, Nick Piombino, Hugo Pontes, Ross Priddle, e. k. rzepka, Marilyn R. Rosenberg, Jenny Sampirisi, Suzan Sari, R Saunders, Michael V. Smith, David Ellingsen, Serge Segay, Spencer Selby, Douglas Spangle, Litsa Spathi, Pete Spence, Matina L. Stamatakis, Carol Stetser, Ficus Strangulensis, W. Mark Sutherland, Thomas Lowe Taylor, Miroljub Todorovic, Andrew Topel, Cecil Touchon, Aysegul Tozeren, e. g. vajda, Nico Vassilakis, John Vieira, Stephen Vincent, Alberto Vitacchio, Cornelis Vleeskens, Derya Vural, Ted Warnell, Irving Weiss, Helen White, Tim Willette, Reid Wood, James Yeary, Karl Young, Mark Young
In Chancery by GEOF HUTH.
A sequence of photographs of records of the long-defunct New York Court of Chancery, presented as visual poems.
My paid work focuses on government records from the 1600s to today, those encoded in bits and thrumming through wires and air, and those on paper and parchment. When working with the oldest of these, which usually bear signs of decay, I face the pleasure of the archives, or how an old document carries into the present the words and actions of the past, though always changed, always transmogrified by time. The old records I oversee have been stored poorly sometimes for centuries, so their cotton-fiber paper, which would have retained its bright whiteness if stored properly, has devolved into shades of tans and browns. The records also bear the manners and markings of their times, making these routine papers magical to the 21st-century eye. Seals and ribbons, intended to convey authenticity, festoon the documents, as do arcane phrases and ornate penmanship. Even the name of the court I chose to document so heavily, the Court of Chancery, carries the scent of a faraway past, as do the papers themselves. As I processed these, I recognized some of them as inchoate visual poems and photographed hundreds of them, to capture their verbo-visual delights for myself and you.
Geof Huth
ToCall No.7 – is a no special issue.
Features work by Clau De La Torre, Iris Colomb, Caroline Kha, Julia Nakotte, Gregory Betts, Arnold Frothingbadger McBay, Geof Huth, Giuseppe Calandriello, Marco Giovenale, Robin Tomens, Eric Zboya, SJ Fowler, Shawn McMurtagh, James Knight, Robert R. Thurman and Susann Connolly.
The cover is a hand-carved linocut one-word poem.
Mimeo printed edition of 100 copies,
32 copies with an original printed linocut, numbered and signed.
10€/13€ (incl. postage)
November 4 – 26, 2011
23 Sandy Gallery
623 NE 23rd Avenue
Portland, Oregon
Opening Reception: Friday, Nov. 4, 5:00-8:00 pm
Reading/Performance : Saturday, Nov. 5, 4:00 pm
Object Poems brings together striking and varied works
by more than thirty contemporary artist-poets and poet-artists:
poems in three dimensions
found poems
sculptural and utilitarian poems
conceptual poems
poems that depart in myriad ways from the familiar form of the printed page.
Participating Artists:
Drew Kunz, Alison Knowles, Joseph Keppler, Nico Vassilakis, Harriet Bart,
Michael Basinski, Bill Berkson, Jen Bervin, Kristin Prevallet, Clemente Padin,
James Yeary, Alec Finlay, Steve McCaffery, Eric Magrane, Jim Clinefelter,
Norma Cole, J. A. Lee, Leo & Anna Daedalus, Marilyn R. Rosenberg, Geof Huth,
Mary Ann Hayden, Alan Halsey, Buzz Spector, Kyle Schlesinger, Kaia Sand,
Curtis Steiner, Mark Owens, David Abel, Andrew Topel, K. S. Ernst