Archivi tag: image

‘koko’ – next generation journal, issue #1, “text/image parergon”

KOKO – Next Generation Journal

Text/Image Parergon

Here is the first thematic “space” of KOKO – The Next Generation Journal, a Shared Campus publication.

Text/Image Parergon explores potentials and challenges in the relations of scriptorial and pictorial signs. How do text and image respectively frame an artefact? Does the combination of both constitute an extended value or merely a supplementary by-product that primarily appeals to the visual and other senses? Should such parerga be considered positively as added experiential benefit, or negatively as distractive embellishments of a core? Questions like these are explored in an initial set of academic “Conversations”, through the “Proceedings” of a dedicated conference and in image-with-text “Essays” by researchers working on and across the boundaries of scholarly research and creative production.

Visit Text/Image Parergon



Proceedings: Distancing – Contemporary Art in Reciprocity with Philosophy

Hosted on 16 May 2019 at the Kunstraum Kreuzlingen (CH) by the Zürich University of the Arts the symposium was set to explore the iconography of philosophical texts – in particular the imagery of Lady Philosophy as first introduced into philosophical tradition by the late antique writer Boethius (477–524) in his work The Consolation of Philosophy (approx. 524). The juxtaposition of medieval thinking, its articulation in illuminations, and in return their impact as challenge for contemporary creative practices, highlighted the need to investigate the mostly unquestioned principal opposition between immaterial thoughts and materialized images.


Space Editors: Peter Benz & Nils Röller

KOKO Editorial Statement

It is the ambition of KOKO to establish a lively and continuously evolving community of researchers contributing to respective topics; we therefore are always interested to receive feedback and/or potentially new contributions also to already existing “spaces”.
Where the more conventional formats have exhausted their possibilities, artists, designers and/or other creatives may use KOKO to create a metaphorical space for exchange through an externalised conversation between the researcher/creative practitioner and her subject.

vizarma @ perpignan: festival de l’image expoètique

Première Édition du festival de l’image eXPoètique à Perpignan, rue des cardeurs du 27 août au 11 septembre 2022.

Pour ce premier volet nous avons invité quelques ami(e) à créer, construire , deconstruire une ou plusieurs affiches, slogans, collages, poèmes ou tout autre formes experimentales d’images liées à leur environnement au format de leur choix.

Ces curiosités visuelles seront imprimées, collées et diffusées du 27 août au 11 septembre 2022 ₩ période de visa pour l’image..¥ sur les murs, devantures de commerce et autres endroits choisis rue des cardeurs à Perpignan.

Merci aux commerçants de nous permettre d’afficher sur leurs façades ainsi qu’aux participant(e)s qui ont répondu présent(e)s à l’appel.

Merci également aux dons de quelques copains pour nous aider à payer les impressions et qui pensent que la culture est hors champ des clichés consommables.

Ce projet est indépendant, gratuit et collectif.

Guillaume fosse / ZERO

nasa’s webb delivers deepest infrared image of universe yet

click to enlarge / cliccare per ingrandire

#1 – Deep Field: SMACS 0723

NASA’s Webb Delivers Deepest Infrared Image of Universe Yet

Status: 1st Image Preview Released 7/11/22 ~5:30pm

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has produced the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe to date. Known as Webb’s First Deep Field, this image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 is overflowing with detail.

Thousands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrared – have appeared in Webb’s view for the first time. This slice of the vast universe is approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground.

  • President Joe Biden unveiled image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, known as Webb’s First Deep Field, during White House event Monday, July 11
  • Webb’s sharp near-infrared view brought out faint structures in extremely distant galaxies, offering most detailed view of early universe to date
  • NASA, partners will release full series of Webb’s first full-color images and data, known as spectra, Tuesday, July 12, during live NASA TV broadcast