Archivi tag: scrittura asemica

stamattina, un seminario sulle forme della scrittura e del libro contemporaneo, e l’asemic writing

All’Istituto svizzero di Roma, oggi, tra poco, continua la lecture sull’asemic writing, o “scrittura desemantizzata” (come diceva Tomaso Binga e come Jim Leftwich suggerisce di dire), e su alcuni aspetti e materiali di scritture sperimentali e verbovisive. Il seminario, a differenza di ieri, è riservato agli allievi della Summer School ospitati dall’istituto, ma presto qui o su facebook pubblicherò foto dei moltissimi oggetti, libri, plaquettes, esempi di esoeditoria et alia multa di cui parlerò.

Ospiti di ieri sono stati Giulio Marzaioli per e con Benway Series, e Sara Davidovics con la performance e libro Azimut.

installance #0158, unstable asemic polyptych

installance n. : # 0158
type : series of 4 asemic micro-panels assembled together
size : ~ cm 7x7
records : highres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Jul 3rd, 2021
time : 6:19pm
place :  Rome, v.le Campo Boario
footnote : none
copyright : (CC) 2021 differx

“From semic to asemic: writing, artists, books”: Swiss Institute in Rome, Jul. 6th, 2021


From semic to asemic: writing, artists, books

Conference, Summer Schools, Roma/Online

Entrance via Liguria 20
Live streaming

The encounter will be held in English. Limited capacity of seats.
Register here to attend the event in presence.

The event can also be followed online on Zoom.
Register here to participate.

On the occasion of the Summer School Rome – Dimensions of the book, a project which is part of the Master of Fine Arts Program at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Istituto Svizzero hosts an encounter with the interventions by Sara Davidovics, Marco Giovenale, Giulio Marzaioli and Nils Röller.

from semic to asemic: rome, swiss institute, jul. 6th, 2021


From semic to asemic: writing, artists, books

Conference, Summer Schools, Roma/Online

Entrance via Liguria 20
Live streaming

The encounter will be held in English. Limited capacity of seats.
Register here to attend the event in presence

The event can also be followed online on Zoom.
Register here to participate.

On the occasion of the Summer School Rome – Dimensions of the book, a project which is part of the Master of Fine Arts Program at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Istituto Svizzero hosts an encounter with the interventions by Sara Davidovics, Marco Giovenale, Giulio Marzaioli and Nils Röller.

domani a lucca, micromostra_ differx’ asemics

questo e altro, a Lucca, dal pomeriggio di domenica 20 giugno @ Borda!Fest – Xtraborda! Settima Edizione. nel parco di fronte al Foro Boario, dalle 17 circa.

grazie a BORDA Fest – Produzioni Sotterranee


20 giugno, mg a lucca, per una lettura al borda!fest

domenica 20 giugno alle 19:30 MG a Lucca, nel parco davanti al Foro Boario, accanto allo skate park lungo il fiume, @ Borda!Fest – Produzioni Sotterranee (18, 19 e 20 giugno) a leggere e a parlare di scritture di ricerca, prosa in prosa, materiali verbovisivi & scritture asemiche.

pagine da La gente non sa cosa si perde (TIC Edizioni) e Delle osservazioni (Blonk), e inediti da Oggettistica.

in dialogo con Chiara Portesine

non mancheranno materiali asemici, esposti, e osservazioni sull’Enciclopedia asemica (IkonaLiber).


qui il programma dei tre giorni del festival:

the idea of a “transition strategy” / differx — 11 apr 2021

Rosaire Appel, Listening is a way of walking

Rosaire Appel, Listening is a way of walking

Rosaire Appel: “asemic writing is also a way of leaping forward into territory not yet conceptualized… a transition strategy perhaps” (Jun 10, 2011, post to the ASEMIC Google Group, now @

I really like Rosaire Appel’s idea of a “transition strategy”.

Often the signs of an ongoing research are not covered nor coded nor represented by any known “language”. They actually build-and-deconstruct some kind of new (non)language.

And it seems to me that our definitions often fail to grasp the flickering borders of the asemic land. It seems like we are (happily) dealing with aesthetics, rather than linguistics.

More. (And incidentally:) I ask myself: do we absolutely need definitions? Or do definitions & theory rather belong exactly to the territory we are just flying away from?

Tim gaze : “asemic writing says what I cannot say in words” (from a text in the muse apprentice guild).


via da medium

per un tratto di tempo recentissimo e brevissimo ho pensato che Medium potesse rappresentare, almeno per me, un’alternativa non insensata all’idea di sito.
tolte però le differenze tra utenti Apple e PC/Android (esistenti, e in parte penalizzanti per i non-Apple), l’aspetto economico ha comunque pesato in maniera decisiva per farmi ricredere.

alla fin fine un frontale (e al 99% anglofono) pay-per-read interessa tutti su Medium: e non solo  quelli che pur non occupandosi di alta moda, scarpe da tennis, televisione o gossip, “producono contenuti”, ma anche quelli che vorrebbero semplicemente leggere testi su  questioni aperte in zone dell’arte contemporanea propriamente sperimentali, dunque giocoforza “di nicchia”.

e a mitigare la rozzezza della macchina non basta la clausola che dice che Medium retribuisce i blogger più seguiti; dato che l’essere più o meno seguiti rientra nella medesima logica. invece di accumulo di denaro c’è accumulo di lettori. che vengono quindi “monetizzati”. (ricordo sempre il breve intervento di Grifi sulla produzione di spettatori).

più in generale, la progressiva capillare brandizzazione delle comunicazioni in rete, e l’invadenza — oltre che l’inaccettabilità politica in molti casi — delle strutture informative e in senso ampio mediali (qui parlo in generale, non di Medium), mi convince sempre di più dell’idea di frequentare (per ora: anche) spazi radicalmente diversi. è il motivo per cui ho un blog su, per dire, e cercherò di lavorarci nei prossimi mesi.

ad ora, tuttavia, gli ormai 18 anni di mia invenzione e condivisione ininterrotta e gratuita di materiali attraverso e gli spazi web che slowforward ha inglobato, per un totale, ad oggi (11 giugno 2021), di quasi 13600 post, sono un buon motivo per continuare su WordPress.

già da qualche giorno ho preso a riproporre (e magari arricchire / variare) qui su slowforward cose uscite nella mia rapida avventura sulla piattaforma Medium, che saluto senza illusioni ma anche senza rancore. (oltretutto continuando a usarla per collaborare a Repository Magazine).


of course the asemic is absurd / jim leftwich. 2021

If I am writing about the word “asemic”, I am thinking about patience and persistence. I am thinking about failure as a source of energy, as that which keeps an absurdist idea of enlightenment alive and almost thriving. Standing in the absurd center of the asemic universe, we are surrounded by unexamined exits and entrances, unexplored starting-points, multiple escape-routes leading out in all directions. 
We need to synchronize our watches, then throw them all away. We need to get on the same page of the same map-book, then throw all the maps away. We need to set our compasses, and throw them away. We must promise each other to get together, at some unspecified time and place, later in our lives, to define our terms and make public our consensus definitions. Until then, we have some exploring to do, some making and some thinking, some reading and some writing.
Tim Gaze wrote, in an email responding to my recent texts (05.21.2021), that “asemic is an absolute state, whereas desemantizing is a process or matter of degree”.
He also wrote in the same email that he “consciously let go of asemic writing several years back”.
On January 27, 1998, I wrote to Tim, saying “the asemic text would seem to be an ideal, an impossibility, but possibly worth pursuing for just that reason.”
Desemantized writing is not an ideal, is not an impossibility. It is a very specific kind of writing, produced for very specific reasons. To desemantize writing is to intentionally make it less readable, less capable of participating in the language-game of giving information. 
We might aspire to the absolute state of asemic writing, producing beautiful and/or provocative failures in our quest, but we achieve desematized writing, to one degree or another, whenever we choose to do so.
In response to my recent texts, John M. Bennett wrote (05.20.2021) “i like ‘desemanticized’ better than ‘asemic’ myself; the latter term was always a bit misleading, even downright wrong sometimes, I thought; except perhaps in a few situations…”
In the late 1990s, “asemic” was not the word I wanted or needed, but it was the best I had at the time. For the past 20 years or so I have been exploring alternatives to the word “asemic”. For now, and for my purposes (which are not necessarily the same purposes as those of some likely readers of this text), “desemantized” (or “desemanticized”) is an improvement, a step in the right direction. It is a provisional solution to a problem.
These days, the term “asemic writing” is very widely used, and is surely in no danger of being discarded or replaced. My thoughts about the term “desemantized writing” will circulate, if at all, within the context of the global asemic writing community. As I write this, in the late spring of 2021, the theory and practice of asemic writing are not in any sense dead, the possibilities have not been exhausted. The Sisyphean struggle to attain the absolute state of asemic writing, absurd though it may be, continues to yield moments of existential fulfillment, and perhaps every now and then even a kind of happiness. 
My hope for my recent writings is that they might invigorate an increasingly faceted vision of the world of all things asemic.

jim leftwich, may 2021

keep moving / jim leftwich. 2021

I was a poet, and for me that meant pushing the edges of poetry, and the edges of myself while writing poetry. The line was an edge, and the rhyme was an edge, and the stanza was an edge, and the syllable was an edge. Eventually it became impossible to ignore the idea of the letter as an edge. Once having agreed to that, it became impossible to ignore the shapes of the letter — first the shapes of the printed letters, in an array of fonts, and then the shapes of the handwritten letters.

From the outset, the idea of producing meanings had been for me subordinate to the idea of making poems. If all I had wanted to do was produce meanings, I would have written conventional sentences and paragraphs. But that was not what I wanted.

So I wrote poems, and I pushed the edges of the poem, and in doing that I was pushing the edges of myself, my sense of satisfaction and achievement, my sense of my own skills and competence, and I was never satisfied, intentionally, by choice, never satisfied, I refused to accept the sense of being satisfied, so eventually, inevitably, I found myself producing desemantized or asemic writings.

And that was a plateau, a stage, and I knew from the outset that I was only passing through, that I would never be satisfied with desemantized or asemic writing, any more than I had been satisfied with writing conventional poems.

Over the years a community of asemic writers has become active and visible and, to the extent that I am a part of it at all, my role has evolved to be a kind of advocate for incessant criticality. As a participant in the conversation around asemic writing, I can be counted on to say something similar to “yes, you are right, but…” Yes, you are right, but that is not enough, it is not even particularly important. What is important is to keep moving. Asemic writing works for you? Fantastic. Now move on and do something else.

Jim Leftwich