A pioneering conceptual artist and founding member of the Fluxus movement, Yoko Ono has produced a diverse and ever-expanding body of work since she first emerged on the downtown avant garde art scene in the early 1960s. This presentation gives a broad overview of the artist’s career—which now spans more than five decades—and charts her growing influence in the fields of photography, installation, painting, conceptual art, music, and performance. Included are artists’ publications such as The Other Rooms, a sequel to the groundbreaking artists’ book Grapefruit, and the experimental narrative “Spare Room.” These works are presented alongside a selection of exhibition catalogs from around the globe.
Ono’s artists’ books and related publications have had a longtime presence at Printed Matter. The artist has been an active and enduring participant, supporter and advocate of the organization for decades. Grapefruit was amongst Printed Matter’s earliest inventory when the organization was located on Lispenard Street. In the early 2000s, Printed Matter, at that time on 22nd Street, staged an exhibition curated by then-Assistant Manager Amanda Keeley which featured scores of Ono’s artists’ books, posters, printed ephemera, and artists’ multiples. In 2010, Printed Matter was a recipient of Yoko Ono’s second annual Courage in the Arts Awards, alongside the Guerilla Girls and Émile Zola, posthumously.
Yoko Ono’s radical imagination and provocative wit are on full display within the pages of her wide-ranging creations, which serve as blueprints for building a more open and inventive global society.
As long as the red button is held, the Time Machine TM will print a receipt. The longer the button is pressed, the more extensive the printout becomes.
The Time Machine TM Network was launched in 2013 by artist Malte Bartsch. As part of the project, 69 time machines have been positioned in a total of 4 countries.
A total of 25,496 individual artistic works (receipts) were created in which the button was pressed for 157,566 seconds.
Each installation is:
thermal printer, button, person, time, 25 cm × 31 cm × 13 cm, 2013 – ongoing.
The machines are available here:
Also read:
Come imperitura traccia della Conferenza sottovoce (e sotto pioggia) sull’installance, ecco il file audio dell’affollatissimo incontro, in Pod al popolo. Il podcast irregolare, ennesimo fail again fail better dell’occidente postremo. Buon ascolto.
La galleria VV8artecontemporanea e l’Archivio Storico Pari&Dispari propongono l’esposizione FLUX MOTUS L’Avanguardia nella città, a cura di Valerio Dehò. In mostra oltre 30 opere di Philip Corner, Wolf Vostell, Geoffrey Hendricks, Ben Vautier, Ben Patterson, Bob Watts, Giuseppe Chiari, Alison Knowles, Jackson Mac Low, Yoko Ono, Takako Saito, Nam June Paik, Charlotte Moorman.
Inaugurazione 13 maggio ore 18 Via dell’Aquila, 6/c, 42121 Reggio Emilia – Italy.
FLUX MOTUS, L’Avanguardia nella città
13 maggio – 30 giugno 2023. A cura di Valerio Dehò, in collaborazione con l’Archivio Storico Pari&Dispari
VV8artecontemporanea, Via dell’Aquila, 6/c, Reggio Emilia
PUBLIC ONLINE PANEL | Fondazione Bonotto & SNSF Activating Fluxus |
5 May 2023, 10:00AM-18:00PM CEST
Fondazione Bonotto in collaboration with the research project Activating Fluxus (sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation and located at Bern Academy of the Arts, Switzerland), are pleased to announce the public online panel: “Activating Fluxus: In and Out of the Archive”
This event brings together eminent speakers to engage with the notion of the archive and consider the archival space as a potential site for activating works created since the 1960s with a particular focus on Fluxus
The following questions will be raised: What role does the archive play in the activation of Fluxus historical works? How might the archive be used to effect change, and not only stabilize, such works? What relations, amongst archivists, curators and conservators, are required to sustain the life of Fluxus? Who decides what constitutes the legacy of Fluxus works? Who is this legacy for? And fundamentally, what does it mean to activate Fluxus?
The public online event is free, but you will need to register in order to attend. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants a day before the event.
REGISTER HERE: https://fondazionebonotto.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d9d36d29542d7953298f53ad7&id=49710dca9f&e=9301607ed4
OGGI, giovedì 13 aprile, alle ore 17:30, al Museo di arte contemporanea di Villa Croce (via Ruffini, Genova) sarà presentato il volume di Sandro Ricaldone Da una non breve unità di tempo (Il Canneto editore, pagine 525, 30 euro). All’incontro, introdotto da Francesca Serrati, parteciperanno Giorgia Barzetti, Stefano Bigazzi, Nicolò De Mari, Giuliano Galletta.
Gli artisti, i movimenti, i temi e le polemiche che hanno caratterizzato la scena artistica genovese degli ultimi trentacinque anni. Sandro Ricaldone, storico e critico d’arte, curatore, collezionista, instancabile animatore culturale, con questa la raccolta di scritti articoli, saggi, presentazioni, disegna un quadro, esauriente e approfondito, della storia dell’arte contemporanea a Genova. Si tratta di un testo unico, che colma una lacuna nel panorama editoriale, che offre al lettore e all’appassionato, ma anche all’addetto ai lavori, uno strumento fondamentale per comprendere un fenomeno complesso e variegato come quello della ricerca estetica piú recente. Le personalità dei singoli artisti, anche grazie al ricchissimo archivio personale dell’autore, vengono lette e interpretate, con puntualità e rigore ma anche con notevole empatia, nel contesto storico nazionale e internazionale. Dalla poesia visiva alla performance, dall’arte antropologica al neo-pop, il periodo preso in esame risulta fra i piú complessi, contradditori ma anche stimolanti della seconda parte del Novecento e dell’inizio del XXI secolo.
Ricaldone è uno dei massimi esperti delle neo-avanguardie europee – Bauhaus immaginista, Lettrismo, Internazionale situazionista, Fluxus – alle quali ha dedicato il precedente volume L’avantgarde se rend pas, (edito nel 2018 sempre per i tipi del Canneto) e che con questo libro va a costituire un dittico di straordinario interesse e originalità. Fra gli artisti presi in esame in questo volume (a cui l’autore è stato particolarmente legato): Roberto Agus, Pier Giulio Bonifacio, Aurelio Caminati, Claudio Costa, Pier Giorgio Colombara, Andrea Crosa, Beppe Dellepiane, Mauro Ghiglione, Stefano Grondona, Carlo Merello, Anna Oberto, Martino Oberto, Angelo Pretolani, Roberto Rossini, Rodolfo e Luca Vitone e molti altri.