Archivi tag: books

michael jacobson’s books: “works & interviews”, “hei kuu”, “somnolent game”, and “id est”

«I am Michael Jacobson, a book and sound poetry publisher at Post-Asemic Press. This video displays the books I have written and released out into the world. They include my collected asemic calligraphy ‘Works & Interviews,’ my ribald-punk senryu poetry collection ‘Hei Kuu,’ a prose poetry novella ‘Somnolent Game,’ and my forthcoming (September 2023) abstract illuminated manuscript: ‘id est: neo scribalist asemic expressionism.’ All of these books express different chapters in my life experience, but they all tie together my personal mythology in the codex form».

Michael Jacobson is a writer, artist, publisher, and independent curator from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA/Turtle Island. His books include an abstract illuminated manuscript titled ‘id est: neo scribalist asemic expressionism,’ a prose poetry novella ‘Somnolent Game’ (Post-Asemic Press), his collected asemic writing ‘Works & Interviews’ (Post-Asemic Press), his autobiographical collection of senryu poems ‘Hei Kuu’ (Post-Asemic Press), and his EP of sound poetry ‘Schizo Variations;’ he is also co-editor of ‘An Anthology Of Asemic Handwriting’ (Punctum Books). Besides writing books, he curates a gallery for asemic writing called The New Post-Literate. He also sits on the editorial board of Recently, he was published in ‘The Last Vispo Anthology’ (Fantagraphics). In 2017, he curated the Minnesota Center for Book Arts exhibit: Asemic Writing: Offline & In The Gallery. Other countries where he has curated exhibits of asemic writing include Mexico, Spain, and Malta. His online interviews are at Poemeleon, SampleKanon, Asymptote Journal, Twenty Four Hours, David Alan Binder, GAS, Utsanga, Schizoaffective, and at Medium. In the past, he created the cover art for Rain Taxi’s 2014 winter issue. Back in 2017, he founded Post-Asemic Press, to publish asemic writing, visual poetry, experimental poetry, and audio recordings of sound poetry. In 2019, he was written up in the book ‘Asemic: The Art of Writing’ (University of Minnesota Press) by Peter Schwenger; it has an entire chapter dedicated to Jacobson’s calligraphic work. He also founded and administers the asemic writing Facebook group. In his spare time, he curates a cyberspace gallery of planets dubbed THAT: A Plan(et).

mg: una lista dei libri (in carta e in rete) a dicembre 2022



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andrew wylie interviewed by guillermo altares for ‘el país’

Among the literary giants included under the letter B on Andrew Wylie’s endless client list are Giorgio Bassani, Jorge Luis Borges, Saul Bellow, Paul and Jane Bowles, Joseph Brodsky, William Burroughs and Roberto Bolaño, eight of the twentieth century’s most important writers. Under C, one finds Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Italo Calvino and Albert Camus. Andrew Wylie, 74, is the world’s most powerful literary agent. His agency has offices in New York and London, and they employ 50 people. … read the whole text here

oei editions in helsinki

OEI at Publics, Helsinki

Friday September 24
Opening for the OEI exhibition:
staying with editing & localizing publishing
+ Helsinki release of OEI #90-91: Sickle of Syntax & Hammer of Tautology: Concrete and Visual Poetry in Yugoslavia, 1968-1983

Saturday September 25 
Workshop & presentation:
OEI editors Jonas (J) Magnusson & Cecilia Grönberg on “staying with editing and localizing publishing” – editing & fieldwork; three-dimensional publishing and locality; counter-historiographies + talk on OEI #90-91 by Sezgin Boynik

Sturenkatu 37-41

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il volto dei libri: a santa severa la mostra curata da giuseppe garrera e igor patruno

(nel comunicato, un’opera di Daniela Comani, 2016)


Le leggendarie copertine di Bruno Munari, accanto a quelle espressamente concepite per libri da grandi artisti come Mario Schifano, Alighiero Boetti, Giulio Paolini, Mimmo Rotella. E poi le particolari vesti editoriali volute, desiderate e indicate da scrittori come Italo Calvino, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Elsa Morante, spesso con l’intento di trasmettere messaggi intimi, proibiti, o di alludere e colpire pericolosamente il lettore, fino ad arrivare a tutte le copertine, le varianti e le correzioni, che ricostruiscono la tormentata vicenda visiva italiana del Giovane Holden di Jerome David Salinger. È la celebrazione del libro come “oggetto di culto” da possedere, conservare e tramandare la mostra Il volto dei libri. Libri da vedere, allestita dal 23 luglio al 19 settembre al Castello di Santa Severa. A cura di Giuseppe Garrera e Igor Patruno, l’esposizione presenta [… continua qui]




dal 23 luglio, al castello di santa severa: “il volto dei libri. libri da vedere”

Le leggendarie copertine di Bruno Munari, accanto a quelle espressamente concepite per libri da grandi artisti come Mario Schifano, Alighiero Boetti, Giulio Paolini, Mimmo Rotella. E poi le particolari vesti editoriali volute, desiderate e indicate da scrittori come Italo Calvino, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Elsa Morante, spesso con l’intento di trasmettere messaggi intimi, proibiti, o di alludere e colpire pericolosamente il lettore, fino ad arrivare a tutte le copertine, le varianti e le correzioni, che ricostruiscono la tormentata vicenda visiva italiana del Giovane Holden di Jerome David Salinger. È la celebrazione del libro come “oggetto di culto” da possedere, conservare e tramandare la mostra Il volto dei libri. Libri da vedere, allestita dal 23 luglio al 19 settembre al Castello di Santa Severa. A cura di Giuseppe Garrera e Igor Patruno, l’esposizione presenta [… continua qui]



from semic to asemic: rome, swiss institute, jul. 6th, 2021


From semic to asemic: writing, artists, books

Conference, Summer Schools, Roma/Online

Entrance via Liguria 20
Live streaming

The encounter will be held in English. Limited capacity of seats.
Register here to attend the event in presence

The event can also be followed online on Zoom.
Register here to participate.

On the occasion of the Summer School Rome – Dimensions of the book, a project which is part of the Master of Fine Arts Program at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Istituto Svizzero hosts an encounter with the interventions by Sara Davidovics, Marco Giovenale, Giulio Marzaioli and Nils Röller.

partially removing the remove of literature



