“Este trabajo es el primero de una serie de cinco dibujos. En 2016 la serie fue presentada pero en versión sonora en un concierto dirigido por Renee Baker y miembros de la Chicago Modern Orchestra Project en el Fine Art Building de la ciudad de Chicago, USA”.
Topology of Light / Musical work based on Ariel González Losada drawings, arranged and directed by Renee Baker and the Chicago Modern Orchestra Project.
13/05/2016, Fine Art Building, Chicago, USA.
Renee Baker, Music Director
Alan Emerson Hicks, Alpha M. Bruton, curators
Galileo Galilei drew our Sun’s spots at about the same time each day over the course of 37 days in June and July of 1612 (skipping two days and yielding 35 drawings). He could not look directly at our Sun without significant damage to his eyes. His solution was to use the latest technology – a telescope – to project an image of the Sun onto a piece of prepared paper. Galileo drew a circle with a compass and positioned the paper so that the Sun aligned with the circle, allowing him to draw in the sunspots from a consistent perspective each day. A casual review of these drawings makes evident that our Sun rotates, and at a much slower rate than Earth’s 24-hour cycle. This cascading accordion presents those 35 drawings, side-by-side, in sequence, across 70 pages. This book may be read by by flipping through the pages, like a normal book, or played, like a flip-book crossed with a slinky, to animate one full rotation of our Sun (back and forth).
ZONE C is a new visual book from artist Rosaire Appel. “The combination of drawings and asemic writing describe a location that alludes to the physical world as much as to realms of thought and emotion. If you know A and B, will you know C? The book contains a lot of noise, second thoughts and revisions. It’s the opposite of calm”.
Available Printed Matter and Amazon
[ https://www.facebook.com/MarginalArtsRoanoke/posts/623165321036288?stream_ref=10 ]
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