Intervista per Radio Questa Sera a Marco Giovenale su Il cotone. (Bioflocculazione), Zacinto/Biblion, 2021, cui l’autore ha abbinato il brano musicale Strollin’ dall’album omonimo, Strollin’, di Chet Baker del 1986.
In occasione del D.I.Y. Day “Onde Anomale”, a Ostia, nel parco Pietro Rosa, lettura di poesie e prose @ Parcuino:
MG legge alcune prose da Il paziente crede di essere (Gorilla Sapiens, 2016) e Quasi tutti (Miraggi, 2018). Registrazione video di Giuseppe D’Acunto.
The Optimism of the Unwilling
Jim Leftwich
Summer 2022
I was I was.
I was thinking. At least I think I was thinking.
Is it possible to think about the fact of 4.6 billion years? I don’t think so.
So. Photographs. We have seen a few, maybe a few hundred thousand. We think we know how to think about photographs.
When are you reading this?
Are you reading it 4.6 billion years after it was written? No.
Are you reading it 4.6 million years after it was written? No.
Are you reading it four thousand and six hundred years after it was written? Maybe. Probably not. But at least I can imagine such a thing.
Are you reading it 460 years after it was written? Could be. I would like to think so.
Are you reading it 46 years after it was written? Sure! Why not? I know: megadroughts, 100-year floods, heat domes, forest fires, resource wars, famines… Another world is possible, and in it you could be reading this… If. If only.
Are you reading it four and a half years after it was written? Yes? Thank you. Where you are, it is January, 2027. I know it isn’t much. But that’s how.. one not much after another… there isn’t any other way.
As con pre re SUMES
Jim Leftwich
Summer 2022
Assume the weather the flame the feather assume no highways.
Consume the new the rest the time consume no highways.
Presume the nest the next the door presume no highways.
Resume the crest the thirst the name resume no highways.
Assume the sane whether bother assume no highways.
Consume the zest flew tether consume no highways.
Presume the sate the nerve the lather presume no highways.
Resume the boss the curse the seme resume no highways.
Presume the lather resume the seme the preseme the reseme sate no boss no salt asseme the highways are frilled with semic heroes never conseme the nerve of a curse.
Pour le prochain numéro d’un rectanglequelconque, vous pouvez nous envoyer vos textes en français, images, (3 pages A4 maximum svp), happenings, performances de l’écran, mots doux, poème visuel hard, bref, tout ce qui rentre dans trois pages A4 maximum.
Date butoir (et non deadline) : dimanche 21 août à 23h57.
For the nextissue of un rectangle quelconque you can send us, if you so wish, your texts in English, pictures, (3 A4 pages maximum please), happenings, screen performances, sweet words, harsh vispo poems, well, all that fits in three A4 pages maximum.
Deadline (not date butoir) : Sunday 21st August at 11:57 p.m.
Adresse | address : revueunrectanglequelconque at
Présentation éditoriale : La revue Nioques fut créée, en 1990, en une période et un contexte où l’ambiance était à la réaction, à la régression formelle, à la « restauration » de la poésie dans ses limites identitaires, rappelée à sa vocation « lyrique ». Il s’agissait alors, disions-nous, de multiplier les marges vives. Pour ne pas laisser croire que le temps de l’expérimentation et de la recherche était clos. Pour contribuer à l’invention de la littérature, à sa réanimation critique, à toutes les « sorties » possibles hors des cadres et des définitions.
Aujourd’hui, Nioques a toutes les raisons de ne pas abandonner le champ de bataille. Il s’agit toujours de donner (un) lieu à de l’écriture naissante, d’accueillir le plus audacieux et le plus risqué des tentatives en cours, premiers textes, chantiers incertains, brouillons acharnés, pratiques hétérogènes, impures.
« Impures », donc politiques… Comme l’est aussi notre travail ensemble : « Le problème est bien l’action commune d’individus libres, liés seulement par et pour cette liberté créatrice réelle ».