Qui non c’è niente da leggere. Libri d’artista dagli archivi genovesi – a cura di Veronica Bassini, Caterina Gualco e Leo Lecci. Genova, Museo di Villa Croce, 11 gennaio – 30 marzo 2024. Inaugurazione il 10 gennaio, ore 18:00.
Archivi tag: libro d’artista
franco panella: libro d’artista. sfogliabile (2021)

due video per “cenerentola”, di corrado costa [videor rome / orazio converso]
max renkel: “mario diacono e l’apparizione dell’illeggibilità”
Macro, 21 ottobre 2021
il mare (romanzo) / eugenio miccini. 1980
fino al 20 luglio: “polvere”, di silvia stucky, alla galleria gallerati
lunedì 20 e mercoledì 22 giugno Silvia Stucky sarà in galleria per accogliere amiche e amici
in mostra un libro d’artista con una poesia di Carlo Bordini: qui se ne può ascoltare la storia
Silvia Stucky_ POLVERE
a cura di Sarah Palermo
Galleria Gallerati
Via Apuania 55 – Roma
9 giugno – 20 luglio 2022 | dal lunedì al venerdì: ore 17.00-19.00
sabato, domenica e fuori orario: su appuntamento
issue #13 of the “typewritten” artists’ book series: “the typographic dante – purgatory”, by barrie tullett
No.13 in the TYPEWRITTEN artists‘ book series: The Typographic Dante – Purgatory by Barrie Tullett.
Included in this book is the typewritten section “Purgatory” with 33 typographics printed in monochrome, originally written on different typewriters with different coloured ribbons.
Printed on a Gestetner 320 mimeograph. Hand-bound edition of 45 copies for which 30 are for sale, 36 pages, 28x21cm landscape size.
The TYPEWRITTEN series is edited, printed, hand-bound and published by psw – Petra Schulze-Wollgast
Available here: https://www.psw.gallery/typewritten
billy o’callaghan: “galileo’s drawings of our sun’s spots (1612)”
Galileo Galilei drew our Sun’s spots at about the same time each day over the course of 37 days in June and July of 1612 (skipping two days and yielding 35 drawings). He could not look directly at our Sun without significant damage to his eyes. His solution was to use the latest technology – a telescope – to project an image of the Sun onto a piece of prepared paper. Galileo drew a circle with a compass and positioned the paper so that the Sun aligned with the circle, allowing him to draw in the sunspots from a consistent perspective each day. A casual review of these drawings makes evident that our Sun rotates, and at a much slower rate than Earth’s 24-hour cycle. This cascading accordion presents those 35 drawings, side-by-side, in sequence, across 70 pages. This book may be read by by flipping through the pages, like a normal book, or played, like a flip-book crossed with a slinky, to animate one full rotation of our Sun (back and forth).
(take a look at this too)
alessandro giammei su corrado costa
i libri in copia unica di enrico pantani
dalla mostra allestita da Congerie @ I fumi della fornace (Valle Cascia, 20-23 agosto 2021)
5 frammenti da “le prime armi”, di nicola passerini
libro in copia unica