Look at this video:
1) Palestinian people sometimes give their children the names of cities and places stolen by the israelis.
2) Many Palestinians in Gaza, now, under the israeli bombardments, write the names of their children on their arms or legs, in order to recognize them in case they would be disfigured by the israeli weapons and bombs.
3) The zionist government tries to translate or turn the names of Palestinian places into hebrew, in street signs and on maps. They want to cancel even the linguistic memory of parts of the Palestinian homeland.
The zionists believe in maps, in written rules (racist rules), mad bureaucracy, illegal walls and gates suffocating the actual life of a whole population in the West Bank too.
This population, the Palestinians, in Gaza, write their names and words and sentences on the body of their beloved ones: they preserve their memory not through paper or (unjust) laws, signals, barriers and hate signs, but with the very existence of their bodies, despite of individual deaths and the whole genocidal praxis they are forced to face.
Skin, names, memories. Thanks to these doors Palestine will live and will pass on its values and light.

(To all the Jew true friends, truly suffering for what’s going on in Palestine: don’t these written names remind you the numbers on the forearms of people in concentration camps?)