da un post di Enzo Patti: https://t.ly/GuQN
in esposizione @ Scrivere disegnando, Centre d’Art Contemporain (Ginevra), 2020
da un post di Enzo Patti: https://t.ly/GuQN
in esposizione @ Scrivere disegnando, Centre d’Art Contemporain (Ginevra), 2020
OGGI, domenica 15 gennaio – dalle ore 12
@ SIC12 artstudio, FINISSAGE della mostra Parole in cammino (l’art brut nella collezione Giacosa Ferraiuolo), a cura di Gustavo Giacosa
SIC 12 art studio
Via Francesco Negri, 65, Roma, RM, Italia
+39 06 92599626
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OGGI, venerdi 13 gennaio alle ore 17
al MLAC (Museo Laboratorio Arte Contemporanea) Università La Sapienza
SCRIVERE DISEGNANDO (la scrittura nell’art brut / e nelle esperienze di asemic writing). Conferenza di Sarah Lombardi, direttrice della Collection de l’Art Brut di Losanna
MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea
p.le Aldo Moro / Università La Sapienza
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Martedì 10 gennaio ore 11 e ore 15
Mercoledi 11 gennaio ore 15
@ SIC12 artstudio, VISITA GUIDATA alla mostra Parole in cammino (l’art brut nella collezione Giacosa Ferraiuolo), a cura di Gustavo Giacosa
Venerdi 13 gennaio ore 17
MLAC (Museo Laboratorio Arte Contemporanea) Università La Sapienza
SCRIVERE DISEGNANDO (la scrittura nell’art brut / e nelle esperienze di asemic writing). Conferenza di Sarah Lombardi, direttrice della Collection de l’Art Brut di Losanna
Domenica 15 gennaio ore 12
@ SIC12 artstudio, FINISSAGE della mostra Parole in cammino
SIC 12 art studio
Via Francesco Negri, 65, Roma, RM, Italia
+39 06 92599626
MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea
p.le Aldo Moro / Università La Sapienza
maggiori informazioni, prenotazioni e
modalità di partecipazione sul sito:
documentation about some differx’ pieces included here: https://www.skira.net/books/writing-by-drawing/
asemic.net (Tim Gaze): http://asemic.net/
notes by Jim Leftwich: https://slowforward.net/2016/03/13/jim-leftwich-asemic-writing-definitions-and-contexts-1998-2016/
& https://archive.org/details/AsemicWritingDefinitionsAndContexts19982016/
ongoing notes… by Jim Leftwich: https://scriptjr.nl/ongoing-notes-on-asemic-writing-jim-leftwich-2015/3336#.Ym5yZ2hBzIU
& https://slowforward.net/2015/07/03/ongoing-research-in-and-around-asemic-writing/
wiki (.en): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asemic_writing
wiki (.it): https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrittura_asemica
Telegram: t.me/asemic
GoogleGroup: https://groups.google.com/g/asemic
The New Postliterate: http://thenewpostliterate.blogspot.com/
Post-Asemic Press: http://postasemicpress.blogspot.com/
A list of asemic books (by M. Jacobson): https://slowforward.net/2018/08/22/lots-of-asemic-books-are-actually-available/
Codex Seraphinianus
Asemics Magazine: http://asemics.com/
ExtrAsemics: https://slowforward.net/2022/01/30/accesso-temporaneo-alla-cartella-extrasemics/
Líquido como el tiempo: http://liquidocomoeltiempo.blogspot.com/search/label/ESCRITURA%20AS%C3%89MICA
Extreme Writing Community: http://seks-ua.blogspot.com/
Synapse International: https://synaptry.blogspot.com/
Asemic Writing for mail artists: https://iuoma-network.ning.com/group/asemicwritingformailartists
asemicnet: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/
aemicnet / links: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/links.html
asemicnet / mags, groups: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/mags-groups.html
asemicnet / publishing houses, e-books, books: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/publishing-houses-e-books-books.html
asemicnet / interviews: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/interviews.html
asemicnet / entries, posts, vids etc.: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/entries-posts-vids.html
asemicnet / facebook: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/facebook.html
asemicnet / @flickr: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/flickr.html
asemicnet / exhibits and galleries: https://asemicnet.blogspot.com/p/exhibits-and-galleries.html Continua a leggere
A book about writing and its shadow side. It examines a number of practices, from the early 20th century to the present day, in which writing leaves behind its communicative function and moves toward the sphere of the illegible and unspeakable.
Writing by Drawing sets out to explore the tension inherent in script, the way it hovers between the genuinely semantic realm and the uncharted territory of mere arabesques, automatisms, repeated marks, and scribbles.
All of the works presented inhabit a special terrain vague in which the act of writing is more about “trying to say” than “saying” itself, more about potentialities of meaning than about signification. Such writing has transcended communication, becoming a trace of existence and affirmation of self but also an element of fancy, a metaphor for the mysterious weft of the world. Our investigation centers on this ancient human impulse to move past the communicative side of writing toward the unfettered, absolute reclamation of the mark, with its wealth of imaginative possibilities.
in French:
here the review:
here the exhibit:
Quand la langue cherche son autre
@ Centre d’Art Contemporain, Genève
it will be open until the 23rd of August
Curators : Andrea Bellini and Sarah Lombardi
Section documentaire : Sara De Chiara
Programme public : Étudiant·e·s Work.Master de la HEAD – Genève
avec la complicité de Pierre Leguillon, artiste et enseignant
En collaboration avec la Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne
* * *
two recent reviews:
Daniel Horn @ Artforum
Harry Burke @ Frieze
& more:
Alexia Lanta Maestrati @ Le Journal des Arts
Ginevra Bria @ domus
Andrea Cortellessa @ doppiozero
Riccardo Venturi @ Flash Art