a few optophonetics / verbosonics excerpts from an incredibly rich fascicle (with works by —among others— van Doesburg, Houédard, Chopin, Rühm, Mon, Lora-Totino, Ladik, and a very long interview to Bob Cobbing).
Archivi tag: verbo-visual stuff
first international colloquium on visual poetry
The purpose of the event is to bring together artists and scholars in order to promote critical thinking and expand the relationship between practitioners of visual poetry at a global level. At the same time, and as part of the event, the First Virtual Exhibition of Visual Poetry will be held, in order to bring together historical and contemporary productions based on contributions from invited and registered poets.
Applications are open from 1st June 2021 to 15th August 2021 for submission of theoretical propositions (for oral communication) and artistic works (for the virtual exhibition).
All the infos here: https://www.jornadadepoesiavisual.com/en
[This is a non-profit event that does not have financial support from any public or private institution. The Organizing Committee and all invited participants waived Pró-Labore, and there are no registration fees]
prière pour les ingénieux rayon des foetiches engendrés / emilio villa. 1976
Prière pour les ingénieux rayon des Foetiches engendrés (pour obtenir la consommation de toutes les Apparences)
Emilio Villa, da “E/mana/azione”, n. 2, Napoli, settembre 1976
(Preghiera per i raggi ingegnosi dei Feticci generati – per ottenere la consumazione di tutte le Apparenze)
Grazie a Stefano Marotta per l’immagine.
a series of collab works by jim leftwich & jeff crouch
“coazione a mostrare. omaggio a romana loda”: a brescia dal 3 ottobre
La Galleria dell’Incisione (Via Bezzecca 4 – Brescia) e A Palazzo Gallery rendono omaggio a Romana Loda, coraggiosa gallerista che dagli anni Settanta ha svolto a Brescia un ruolo fondamentale nella valorizzazione dell’arte femminile.
Le mostre sono accompagnate da un catalogo con testo di Raffaella Perna.
Le gallerie bresciane Galleria dell’Incisione e A Palazzo Gallery rendono omaggio con due mostre parallele a Romana Loda, coraggiosa gallerista scomparsa nel 2010, che dagli anni Settanta ha svolto a Brescia un ruolo fondamentale nella valorizzazione dell’arte femminile.
“Le sue scelte curatoriali — scrive in catalogo Raffaella Perna — hanno contribuito a denunciare l’assenza delle donne nel contesto dell’arte italiana, e a porre in evidenza come tale emarginazione non fosse un dato naturale e immutabile, ma, viceversa, fosse legata a precise condizioni storiche, sociali e culturali”.
Prendendo spunto da “Coazione a mostrare”, prima mostra di sole donne organizzata da Romana Loda nel 1974, la Galleria presenta una scelta di lavori storici di Mirella Bentivoglio, Tomaso Binga, Carla Cerati, Betty Danon, Amelia Etlinger, Elisabetta Gut, Ketty La Rocca, Lucia Marcucci, Verìta Monselles, Gina Pane, Berty Skuber.
Una selezione di artiste “che hanno esposto nelle numerose mostre curate da Loda, in spazi pubblici e privati o nella sua galleria, e che con lei hanno condiviso progetti artistici e spesso esperienze di vita. Ma che soprattutto, come lei, hanno avvertito l’urgenza di impegnarsi fino in fondo nel mondo dell’arte, in un momento storico in cui in Italia essere donna e artista, come confida Ketty La Rocca a Lucy Lippard nel 1975, era ancora «di una difficoltà incredibile»”.
“tip of the knife”, final issue, #35: tribute to bill dimichele
A special and final issue of Tip of the Knife celebrating the Visual Poetry
of Bill DiMichele, editor of TOK for 10 years
On the one year anniversary on August 4th of Bill DiMichele’s passing, a special and final issue of Tip of the Knife celebrating the Visual Poetry of Bill has been published. This issue includes a curated selection from some of Bill’s numerous series. It was very difficult for Will and me to choose the work to publish since his body of work is so extensive and perse. Thanks to Crag Hill for adding some work from Score (Visual Poetry mag from the 80s that Crag, Laurie Schneider and Bill co-edited) and Burnhole (Bill’s poetry from the 90s).
Look forward to a re-release of this last issue, which will include a multi-media afterward by Crag with some help from Will (production and guitar). Thanks to Crag for all of his help and for being such a good friend. And thanks to all of the artists who have contributed to TOK over the years. We appreciate your contribution to the success of TOK.
Bill is missed by all who knew him as a friend and fellow artist. He is dearly missed by Will and me as a wonderful father and husband.
Julie DiMichele
10th anniversary – best of “tip of the knife”, issue 34
“The 10th Anniversary and next to the last issue of Tip of the Knife has been published including an introduction by Crag Hill. Unfortunately, we couldn’t pick one piece from every artist for this limited issue, but please know that all pieces are worthy or else Bill would not have selected them to be in the original issues. So thanks to all of the talented artists that helped to make this and all of the previous issues over the past ten years so special”.
kaldron, 15 (1982) on line @ archive.org
karl young panel at louisville conference
Karl Young, who passed away September, 30, 2017, was a major poet, artist, and organizer, who, along with Karl Gartung and Ann Kingsbury, founded Woodland Pattern Book Center, a nonprofit organization in Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood dedicated to poetry and its attendant arts. This panel covers Young’s work as a publisher, book artist, and founder of Light and Dust, one of the first online archives of Avant-garde poetry and an important predecessor to sites such as UbuWeb and the Electronic Poetry Center.
Karl Kempton, editor of Kaldron Magazine, the longest running magazine dedicated to visual poetry: “Karl [Young] proudly considered himself a supporter of the literature and arts of the fourth coast, the Great Lakes. As such he developed deep and lasting friendships in the region. He could telescope easily from local to regional to national and international in conversation, correspondence and in his articles and poetics.”
Charles Alexander, poet and director of CHAX Press, discusses Young and the creation of “books of experience,” which is defined and demonstrated. Tom Montag, poet and editor of MWPH Books, discusses Young’s relationship to Margins: A Review of Little Magazines and Small Press Books, the establishment of Young’s “Symposium Series” in the magazine, and its continuation after Margins’ demise. Jonny Lohr, poet and co-editor of Adjunct Press, discusses the utopian drive of Young’s publishing career, exploring the small press aesthetics from late-Mimeo Revolution to early-Web publications.
“poetry? – language” / bálint szombathy. 1978
Bálint Szombathy, Poetry? – Language (cartolina 1978 inviata a Giuseppe Garrera in data 21-7-2019)
Collezione Garrera
tape transfer / jim leftwich. 2006 (diyfferx @ differxhost, 2014)
pdf file @ slowforward: http://slowforward.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/j-leftwich_tape_transfer_diyfferx_2014.pdf
[archiveorg-book J.LeftwichTapeTransferDiyfferx2014/J.Leftwich_tape_transfer_diyfferx_2014 width=880 height=430]
pdf file @ slowforward: http://slowforward.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/j-leftwich_tape_transfer_diyfferx_2014.pdf