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aggiornamenti costanti, differenze e ripetizioni su t.me/slowforward e mgiovenale.medium.com
Aggiornamenti sulle scritture di ricerca, segnalazioni di reading di prosa (e poesia), conferenze, recensioni, critica letteraria, traduzioni, immagini, video, audio, gif, politica, polemiche, mazzate al mainstream, osservatorio di poesia contemporanea, mostre di arte attuale e incontri, materiali verbovisivi, glitch, scrittura asemica, musica sperimentale, collage, cut-up, flarf, googlism, scrittura concettuale, installazioni verbali e visive, archivi della ricerca testuale, artistica e musicale dal Novecento a oggi.
Post pressoché quotidiani su t.me/slowforward (anche indipendenti da https://slowforward.net, e spesso legati a https://mgiovenale.medium.com).
Differenze, ripetizioni, ritornelli, brand new stuff e molto altro.
Poi non dite che non vi avevo avvertito, e che Hejinian vi suona nuova, Tarkos non lo conoscete, l’asemic writing è un gateau di semi e i non assertivi sono un progetto Marvel.
tic talk di aprile: 12, 19, 26

Alessandro Broggi, Agostino Bertani, Fiammetta Cirilli
[replica] _ (k)notnotes
_ 01. take note of things
_ 02. overwrite the notes while writing
_ 03. no “law & order”. no hurry
_ 04. rip and throw out the leaflets if needed
_ 05. do not scan the unripped ones
_ 06. take photos of them
_ 07. edit/encode the low-res digital photos. or not
_ 08. you are free
_ 09. the series of edited/encoded low-res digital photos of unripped leaflets with strange and superimpressed notes about things is not:
___ 09.1. – a series of poems
___ 09.2. – a series of notes
___ 09.3. – a series of leaflets
___ 09.4. – a series of photos
___ 09.5. – a series of things
_ 10. let’s call it a series of “notnotes” – or: [k]notnotes
_ 11. install or disperse them at will
_ 12. post (some of) them or edit a pdf file or forget
(first published in 2007, June 3rd:
DU-CHAMP in questo preciso momento
DU-CHAMP in questo preciso momento : Continua a leggere
du-champ’s mapping 1000 blogs
per una poesia onesta
oh la la – – debord à l’académie
_ 01. take note of things
_ 02. overwrite the notes while writing
_ 03. no “law & order”. no hurry
_ 04. rip and throw out the leaflets if needed
_ 05. do not scan the unripped ones
_ 06. take photos of them
_ 07. edit/encode the low-res digital photos. or not
_ 08. you are free
_ 09. the series of edited/encoded low-res digital photos of unripped leaflets with strange and superimpressed notes about things is not:
___ 09.1. – a series of poems
___ 09.2. – a series of notes
___ 09.3. – a series of leaflets
___ 09.4. – a series of photos
___ 09.5. – a series of things
_ 10. let’s call it a series of “notnotes” – or: [k]notnotes
_ 11. install or disperse them at will
_ 12. post (some of) them or edit a pdf file or forget