Archivi categoria: drawing

“oei”, april 10 and 11: moving mountains & mounting transitions 

OEI_moving_mountainsMoving mountains & mounting transitions

2 days on “editorial thinking” with OEI at Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation

This event will be live-streamed via Index’ Twitch channel:

Saturday April 10 and Sunday April 11, 14:00-17:00

On the occasion of the exhibition Editorial Thinking at Index, OEI magazine organizes a two-day event, inviting artists, editors, publishers, writers, and scholars to reflect on the notion of “editorial thinking” in relation to their different practices. Each day will comprise two sessions and will be live streamed via Twitch. The talks take in conversations around editing and publishing as artistic and literary practices, as well as focusing on new and latest publications by OEI.
Guests include Alice Centamore, Pierre Paulin, Michalis Pichler, Nils Olsson, Sezgin Boynik, Lytle Shaw, Axel Andersson.

Saturday 10 April, 14:00-17:00
Addressing “(im)proper places for other books”, Michalis Pichler will talk about historical and recent initiatives of artists who have tried to break out of the process of cultural confinement of their books. This talk will be followed by a short lecture by Nils Olsson on editorial practices taking its cue from Walter Benjamin’s “The author as producer”. Joining us from Paris, Pierre Paulin and Alice Centamore will focus on editing and publishing through the lenses of art, poetry, archives, and curating.

Sunday 11 April, 14:00-17:00
After an introduction to some of the complexities between fieldwork and editing by Jonas (J) Magnusson & Cecilia Grönberg, Lytle Shaw will talk about his new book New Grounds for Dutch Landscape (OEI editör), where he uses an experimental, site-specific method to demonstrate how 17th century painters Jan van Goyen, Jacob van Ruisdael, and Meindert Hobbema did not so much represent the newly made landscape of Holland as re-enact its reclamation and ongoing threats to its stability.
Axel Andersson presents his new book Negative Geology – A Cultural and Technical History of Early European Mountaineering (OEI editör), on mountaineering before Romanticism, which traces the interconnected developments in literature, visual arts, philosophy and technology contributing to the continent’s intense interest in mountains. Sezgin Boynik, the guest editor of the latest issue of OEI, #90–91: “Sickle of Syntax & Hammer of Tautology. Concrete and Visual Poetry in Yugoslavia, 1968–1983”, tackles the question of how to edit avantgarde archives while introducing this new OEI issue.

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installance #0152: san michele cancella san raffaele che cancella san gabriele

installance n. : # 0152
type : language drawing,
 ink on paper
size : cm 12x9
records : highres shot
additional notes : abandoned
date : Mar. 31st, 2021
time : 11:07am
place : L'Aquila
note : the title is "San
 Michele cancella 
San Raffaele che 
cancella San Gabriele" (Saint 
Michael deleting Saint
 Raphael who deletes 
Saint Gabriel)

[r] _ asemic writing: grandi difficoltà risolvibili con qualche click, per impreveduta intercessione della divina provvidenza

Oi l’elettorato letterario italiano, quei che verzicano, verdi piante e bigi minerali e tutti li animai che sono in terra, qualsivoglia rettorato ovunque fenomenizzato, ogne valletto, pressoché tutti i vescovi conti e plures cadetti e rami laterali possibili merovingi come capetingi, sparse badesse e reìne, venusie & cacografate, normalisti e oralisti, normati e notomisti, nomati o meno, ciurlatori, singers truzzi e ‘mbonitori, vessilliferi e scalchi, becchini e trombonisti, elettori degli imperi centrali e riduttori di prese, pittiuomo, tolomei e più copernichi, istitutor di prìncipi, pope tentati di licantropia, belue & domatori, plenty assai di marchesini sclassati de vinegia, citti, puttini mimi, marinai, api barberini, lupe, studiosi di rupi, popolani con busse date e prese, maggiorenti co ‘a bbarca, lottatori prima e dopo l’olio, e re, tutti, tutti tutti ignorano cosa sia l’asemic writing. Tuttavia ne parlano, esponendo loro ermeneusi, o fole riportate, e critiche ahi aspre eccetera.

A benigno uso + giovamento delle signorie loro, Iddio ha palesato, per la prima volta, certo in virtù degli effetti dell’eclissi lunare, e in un empito di luce ha glitterato sul mio pc

dei link

seguendo i quali, maraviglia, edotti fìeno e principesse e cardinali, i granchi presi o liberi, i fondi @ terza pagina e l’arcolaio intiero dell’acca pandemica che regge dirige governa regioni e regioni di sapienze, laurocoronate o coronande, che affidate furo a vita mortale dalla pietà celeste amen.

dal 24 luglio @ catap (macerata), mostra di opere su carta

Dal 24 luglio al 15 agosto, la Galleria accoglierà l’esposizione temporanea di “Opere sciolte” su carta, liberamente selezionate entro una linea estesa di tempo e stili che parte dal dopoguerra per giungere ad oggi, passando per pittura informale, disegno grafico, poesia visiva, attraverso autori quali: Edoardo Franceschini, Sergio Vacchi, Mino Ceretti, Magdalo Mussio, Renato Spagnoli, Lamberto Pignotti, Luigi Tola, Ugo Caggiano, Pericle Fazzini, Virgilio Guidi, Ernesto Treccani …