Archivi tag: ceasefire

Chiara Cruciati oggi sul “manifesto”, a proposito di israele e dei continui bombardamenti che coinvolgono ogni tavolo di trattativa

Chiara Cruciati,
“il manifesto”, 12 ago. 2024

Lo schema si ripete da mesi, modello rintracciabile anche in offensive del passato, in Libano nel 2006, nella Cisgiordania della seconda Intifada: quando un cessate il fuoco sembra concretizzarsi, quando il dialogo procede seppur a tentoni, quando i mediatori internazionali a Parigi, al Cairo, a Doha limano dettagli e misurano al millimetro le concessioni all’una o all’altra parte, il governo israeliano sgancia la sua bomba.

Bombarda Gaza e bombarda il tavolo negoziale: due in uno, con una sola azione eclatante, mortifera e umiliante. Il triplo raid sulla scuola al-Tabin a Gaza City ne è l’ultimo esempio, poche ore dopo che lo stesso Netanyahu aveva annunciato l’invio del suo team negoziale al tavolo del 15 agosto, riaperto sull’onda di una rinnovata e disperata impellenza globale.

PARTIAMO dalla fine. Il 13 luglio nella «zona sicura» di Mawasi, lungo la costa sud, una serie di missili ha centrato le tende degli sfollati. Novanta uccisi, un bagno di sangue che Israele ha giustificato con un obiettivo: il capo militare di Hamas, Mohammed Deif. Colpirne uno. Dei 300 feriti molti moriranno nei giorni successivi.
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Le invenzioni del governo italiano per coprire i massacri in corso a Gaza. Ma, esattamente, che trappola rotta gira e scatta nella testa del governo?

(ma quale rispetto per gente  come taj***?)

manifesto dei docenti per gaza


Condanniamo fermamente le violazioni del Diritto Umanitario Internazionale e della Convenzione di Ginevra, sottolineando la chiara violazione di diritti fondamentali nei confronti dei bambini di Gaza.
Chiediamo un immediato cessate il fuoco per porre fine al massacro in corso e garantire la sicurezza e la protezione dei bambini e delle popolazioni coinvolte.
Rivolgiamo un appello alle istituzioni italiane, richiedendo azioni concrete come l’accoglienza scolastica presso gli istituti italiani per i bambini palestinesi, contribuendo così a mitigare la tragedia umanitaria.


Sappiamo quanto tu abbia a cuore la questione, ma ti chiediamo di firmare solo se sei insegnante, in qualsiasi scuola italiana di ogni ordine e grado e con qualsiasi tipo di contratto: se firmi ma non appartieni a questa categoria complichi il lavoro dei volontari. Grazie per la comprensione.

“italian arts united for palestine” _ lettera aperta per una presa di posizione rispetto al genocidio in palestina

TESTO IN ITALIANO [scroll for the English text]

PALESTINE: Lettera aperta per una presa di posizione rispetto al genocidio in Palestina

[scroll for ENG]

Noi, lavoratorз dell’arte e dello spettacolo in Italia, uniamo le nostre voci in questa lettera aperta per rompere insieme il silenzio che pervade gran parte delle istituzioni culturali del paese in relazione al genocidio in corso da parte dello Stato di Israele ai danni della popolazione palestinese.
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palestinian poet refaat alareer died under israel bombing

“We are grief-striken and enraged to hear that Israel has killed beloved Palestinian professor, writer, poet, and activist Refaat Alareer. Refaat’s constant, English-language updates kept many around the world informed about Israel’s ongoing, genocidal assault on Gaza. Today, Israel killed Refaat, bombing his sister’s home and killing him, his brother, his sister & her 4 children.

Refaat watched as Israel killed many of his students before they killed him – insisting, as his organization @we_are_not_numbers always does, that they were full human beings with dreams and words and whole inner lives, not just casualties of Israel’s brutal violence. Now, we insist the same for Refaat. He was not a number. His death is a shocking reminder of the urgency to the call for a permanent ceasefire – not one more Palestinian life should be taken”.

JVP – Jewish Voice for Peace

via @theimeu


“I am an academic. Probably the toughest thing I have at home is an Expo marker. But if the Israelis invade, if they charge at us, open door to door to massacre us, I’m going to use that marker, throw it at the Israeli soldiers … we have nothing to lose,”

Palestinian poet, writer, professor and activist Refaat al-Areer said during a livestream on The Electronic Intifada on the third day of Al-Aqsa Flood.

Today, he was killed in an Israeli airstrike — along with his brother, sister and her four children.

The last three lines of his poem in his pinned tweet from 1 November reads,

“If I must die,
let it bring hope,
let it be a tale.”

today, nov 29th, international day of solidarity with the palestinian people

TODAY November 29th, is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and the #BDS movement is calling for an all day social media storm. Our physical and digital actions can be used together to strengthen our demands:

  • Permanent ceasefire and lifting the siege to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
  • Lawful sanctions on Israel, including a #MilitaryEmbargo.
  • Pressure on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders

Click here for prepared messages and images to use for the social media storm.

Over the last 7 weeks, millions of you have taken to the streets for the largest protests the world has seen in the last 20 years! We are grateful to each one of you who, through your voices and creative actions, have built up unprecedented grassroots power to end Israel’s genocidal war against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza. Yet, Western governments are continuing to arm, fund and provide political cover for Israel’s genocide.

We must act urgently to end all state, corporate and institutional complicity with Israel’s genocidal apartheid regime. Palestinian lives and livelihoods literally depend on it. To this end, and as time has shown, BDS is the most effective form of solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle.

Today, we call for escalating worldwide peaceful mobilizations and expressions of meaningful solidarity to stop the genocide including:

  1. Whenever feasible, organizing peaceful disruptions, sit-ins, occupations, etc.
  2. Disrupting the transport of weapons, or weapon parts, to Israel, including in transit states.
  3. Pressuring parliaments and governments to cancel existing military-security contracts and agreements with Israel.
  4. Intensifying #BDS campaigns and campaigns to cut all ties to apartheid Israel and its complicit academic and cultural institutions as well as sports teams.
  5. Mobilizing your community, trade union, association, church, social network, student government/union, city council, cultural center, etc. to declare itself an Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ).
  6. Pressuring your elected officials to demand the International Criminal Court (ICC) issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. The ICC prosecutor should be replaced if he continues to drag his feet and ignore his legal obligations to stop the genocide

If not now, when?
Unite now to stop #GazaGenocide and dismantle Israeli apartheid

Click here to read the full call to action

