Archivi tag: interview

John Mearsheimer about Zionism’s projects on Palestine


John Mearsheimer about Zionism (from an interview on Gita Wirjawan’s YT channel)

Quote (from IG):

“The Zionists understood from the very beginning that you had to cleanse…This is very clear from the historical record.”

John Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and professor at the University of Chicago, renowned for his work on international relations and foreign policy. He is best known for his realist perspective on global politics and critical analyses of U.S. foreign policy. Mearsheimer co-authored the famous book “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” with Stephen Walt, which examines the impact of the Israel lobby on American foreign policy.

In a clip from an interview on Gita Wirjawan’s YouTube channel called “John Mearsheimer: What’s Behind Biden’s Blank Check Support for Israel? Endgame #179” he reexamines the foundational ideology of Zionism. He argues that from the outset, Zionism involved creating a Jewish state, which necessitated the removal of Palestinians from their land. Mearsheimer states that the early Zionists understood that establishing a Jewish state in an area predominantly inhabited by Palestinians would require acts of ethnic cleansing. This perspective challenges the narrative that the formation of Israel was a defensive measure against unprovoked attacks. Instead, he highlights how the historical records show a deliberate strategy to displace the Palestinian population to achieve the Zionist objective of a Jewish state.

oggi: intervista a mg su neutopia blog

Grazie a Davide Galipò e alla redazione di NeutopiaBlog per questa intervista:

fra i temi trattati: il “ritorno all’ordine” a fine anni Settanta e fino ai Novanta / inizio Duemila, la diversa situazione in Francia nello stesso periodo, la “vergogna della poesia”, il digitale nel testo, i testi senza bibelots, IA e “mancare a sé”, il rifiuto di “finanziarizzare” la conoscenza, la critica letteraria e le nuove scritture, assertività / non-assertività, documento contro monumento, scritture memoriali (senza ego), alcune procedure della ricerca letteraria, la ricerca come esito di una collettività, Ákusma, “words to be looked at”.

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con Charles Bernstein interviene anche Cristina Giorcelli: prossimamente il file mp3 integrale qui su slowforward.

oggi, h. 20:15, intervista online a mg per “incontri all’isolotto”

Oggi, sulla pagina fb, alle ore 20:15, Peter Genito, nella serie degli “incontri all’isolotto” organizzati dall’Arci, dal Centro per il libro e la lettura, nel contesto del Maggio dei libri e del LetturaDay, intervista Marco Giovenale su  scritture di ricerca, prosa in prosa, materiali installativi, per quanto riguarda il
versante della letteratura; e sull’asemic writing per quanto attiene al versante artistico / visivo.