Archivi tag: peace

John Mearsheimer about Zionism’s projects on Palestine


John Mearsheimer about Zionism (from an interview on Gita Wirjawan’s YT channel)

Quote (from IG):

“The Zionists understood from the very beginning that you had to cleanse…This is very clear from the historical record.”

John Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and professor at the University of Chicago, renowned for his work on international relations and foreign policy. He is best known for his realist perspective on global politics and critical analyses of U.S. foreign policy. Mearsheimer co-authored the famous book “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” with Stephen Walt, which examines the impact of the Israel lobby on American foreign policy.

In a clip from an interview on Gita Wirjawan’s YouTube channel called “John Mearsheimer: What’s Behind Biden’s Blank Check Support for Israel? Endgame #179” he reexamines the foundational ideology of Zionism. He argues that from the outset, Zionism involved creating a Jewish state, which necessitated the removal of Palestinians from their land. Mearsheimer states that the early Zionists understood that establishing a Jewish state in an area predominantly inhabited by Palestinians would require acts of ethnic cleansing. This perspective challenges the narrative that the formation of Israel was a defensive measure against unprovoked attacks. Instead, he highlights how the historical records show a deliberate strategy to displace the Palestinian population to achieve the Zionist objective of a Jewish state.

recognise the palestinian voice and future! recognise the state of palestine

Palestinians are not recognised as a people. 
And so they are denied a voice – in how to end the violence today and rebuild their homes tomorrow. But almost half of the EU is ready to recognise the state of Palestine as the “only way to achieve peace”.

Demand countries in the EU be a force for lasting peace. 
Help make safety and peace possible for the people of Palestine and Israel. 

Recognise the state of Palestine and actively engage in ensuring a two state solution


intervista a francesca albanese sul suo libro “j’accuse”

Intervista audio di Federico Raponi a Francesca Albanese, relatrice speciale dell’ONU e giurista, che presenta il suo libro
J’ACCUSE. Gli attacchi del 7 ottobre, Hamas, il terrorismo, Israele, l’apartheid in Palestina e la guerra (2023)
a Roma, presso la Sala delle Bandiere del Parlamento Europeo, giovedì 11 gennaio 2024

N.B.: le prenotazioni per la sala, per la presentazione del libro di Francesca Albanese, sono ora chiuse e i posti disponibili occupati; ma nel post è ascoltabile l’intervista di Federico Raponi all’autrice e l’incontro dell’11 può essere seguito in diretta all’indirizzo youtube, ovvero:

il libro: