Archivi tag: artists

“italian arts united for palestine” _ lettera aperta per una presa di posizione rispetto al genocidio in palestina

TESTO IN ITALIANO [scroll for the English text]

PALESTINE: Lettera aperta per una presa di posizione rispetto al genocidio in Palestina

[scroll for ENG]

Noi, lavoratorз dell’arte e dello spettacolo in Italia, uniamo le nostre voci in questa lettera aperta per rompere insieme il silenzio che pervade gran parte delle istituzioni culturali del paese in relazione al genocidio in corso da parte dello Stato di Israele ai danni della popolazione palestinese.
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‘koko’ – next generation journal, issue #1, “text/image parergon”

KOKO – Next Generation Journal

Text/Image Parergon

Here is the first thematic “space” of KOKO – The Next Generation Journal, a Shared Campus publication.

Text/Image Parergon explores potentials and challenges in the relations of scriptorial and pictorial signs. How do text and image respectively frame an artefact? Does the combination of both constitute an extended value or merely a supplementary by-product that primarily appeals to the visual and other senses? Should such parerga be considered positively as added experiential benefit, or negatively as distractive embellishments of a core? Questions like these are explored in an initial set of academic “Conversations”, through the “Proceedings” of a dedicated conference and in image-with-text “Essays” by researchers working on and across the boundaries of scholarly research and creative production.

Visit Text/Image Parergon



Proceedings: Distancing – Contemporary Art in Reciprocity with Philosophy

Hosted on 16 May 2019 at the Kunstraum Kreuzlingen (CH) by the Zürich University of the Arts the symposium was set to explore the iconography of philosophical texts – in particular the imagery of Lady Philosophy as first introduced into philosophical tradition by the late antique writer Boethius (477–524) in his work The Consolation of Philosophy (approx. 524). The juxtaposition of medieval thinking, its articulation in illuminations, and in return their impact as challenge for contemporary creative practices, highlighted the need to investigate the mostly unquestioned principal opposition between immaterial thoughts and materialized images.


Space Editors: Peter Benz & Nils Röller

KOKO Editorial Statement

It is the ambition of KOKO to establish a lively and continuously evolving community of researchers contributing to respective topics; we therefore are always interested to receive feedback and/or potentially new contributions also to already existing “spaces”.
Where the more conventional formats have exhausted their possibilities, artists, designers and/or other creatives may use KOKO to create a metaphorical space for exchange through an externalised conversation between the researcher/creative practitioner and her subject.

lindsay caplan, “arte programmata. freedom, control and the computer in 1960s italy”

Sandro Ricaldone

Arte Programmata
Freedom, Control and the Computer in 1960s Italy
University of Minnesota Press, 2022

Tracing the evolution of the Italian avant-garde’s pioneering experiments with art and technology and their subversion of freedom and control
In postwar Italy, a group of visionary artists used emergent computer technologies as both tools of artistic production and a means to reconceptualize the dynamic interrelation between individual freedom and collectivity. Arte Programmata traces the multifaceted practices of these groundbreaking artists and their conviction that technology could provide the conditions for a liberated social life.


Lindsay Caplan’s Arte Programmata offers a compelling account of a group of lesser-known artists affiliated with the Italian Arte Programmata movement, whose experimental art and design practices, emerging in the nascent years of computerization, pointedly (and presciently) engaged with political questions around freedom and control, individuality and collectivity. Beautifully written, sharply analytic, and free of jargon, Caplan’s incisive study should find a place on the bookshelves of anyone interested in the roots and impacts of technological change.

— Janet Kraynak, author of Contemporary Art and the Digitization of Everyday Life

small publishers fair: an online market (12-17 dec., 2021)

online market place and celebration of small press publishers books made by artists, poets, writers, composers and book designers –on until 17 December. 

>> The Small Publishers Fair is the annual gathering of small press publishers, writers, artists, poets and book designers. This year it takes place online.

>> Read on to find 58 publishers from across the UK and Europe together with a specially compiled booklist and a feature on lockdown books.


gustav metzger: tre video

ho aggiunto a questo post i tre video che seguono, in ritardo e doverosamente:


«Beyond self, auto-destructive art entails a loss of the artist’s ego»

(Manjinder Sidhu on Gustav Metzger,